The Dropout (Original)

in story •  7 years ago 

Art cannot be a job
cannot constrain itself
in time-stamped punch clocks
or 15 minute breaks every four hours.

Art is not an arrow in a quiver
wielded by the mighty weekend warriors
who trade their glory for bi-weekly assurances
that what they have gained was worth what they'd trade

Art is a ghost that trails us all our days
hinting from the corners of our eyes when we're awake
and singing to us in cryptic symbols when we lie to sleep,
it can rouse us to action as easily as it lulls us to complacency

If Art was an institution like a school or an army
I'd ever be the dropout, and always be the deserter,
striking out from under the thumb of stagnating tradition
to create something new under the always spreading sky.

Thank you for spending time here
images sourced from pixabay and edited by me

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Art is the plagiarize copy of what I believe but then stretched out a little further to where I'm going, becoming something new.

yes! Steal this thought, and then reshape it and make it new, then leave it out to be stolen again, ad infinitum.

True art is layered creative bones on atop the next.

Nice piece. Art is a unique language that is spoken in one tongue and interpreted in another. As an observer or reader, you get from art what you bring to it. The result is a collaboration between the audience and the artist that is unique for each individual. Thanks for sharing.

I love your comment, you are absolutely spot on. It is the ultimate unfinished conversation, spoken in multiple tongues.

Thank you for reading and sharing your insight

Well presented.

Well said, @prufarchy

Thanks, greatest dabu.

Only a matter of time now until I make my first sound poem!

Yay !! I can't wait !! The Sound Poem genre needs you :)

an interesting story

Thank you!
