why honesty should, and must be !

in story •  8 years ago 

                                                                          hello everyone how you doing 

so ,i just want to stop by and tell you a story about me 'sorry if my english is bad ' xD ; so now it been almost 2 years when i break up with my girl ,yeaah almost 2 years and i didnt forget about her l " they said love is blind" 

       yeep anyway ,we were so close sooo closee ,i loved her so badly maybe she did too i dont know really ,because i never said to her i love you so ...... first thing when our relation start vanich ,when one day where we so happy ,and when we thought ( i thought) that our relation its umbricable ,the big thing happend ,she called me of nowhere ,and she said ( hey you we have to talk ) and i knew it there is somthing wrong ,i ssaid ;everything is ok ? she said yes ,but we have to tallk ,i said ok ,and hangup ,

    any way ,in the same day i think afternoon we had long conversation that she said i cant go on with you , o_o im really shoked ,because litterly it comes of nowhere -_- ,i said why ,she said like that i dont know maybe its a mistaake and and and , i was really angry about her that time ,hhhhhh but after that she send a message ,she said im sorry i did not know what im saying ,hhh and im kinda was happy and unhappy in the same time ,happy cause she comeback and in the same time i know she is not normall ,and our relation it wont last anylonger ,

   so we kept talking ,like nothing happend but i wasnt ook !!! i know somthing is wrong ,i asked her many time ,maaany time ,are you ok ? she always says yes im ,,yes im ,,and i know she is not telling me everyhing ,what she wwant i dont know what to do ,im lost 

 after that i start to less talking with her and she didnt care too ,so i thought its time ,to everyone go in his way ,so i told her whats the problem and said yes i agree we are not for each other ,hhhhh i laughet cause when i was aking her ,she always saying nothing ,then she lied and lied ,for what !! i dont know until now ,whats the problem i dont know !!hhhhh 

anyway ,guys in every relation we have to be honest in everything because ,it can the little thing affects our entire life ,so ever never lie ,whereeveer the reason is ;

                finnaly im so sorry if i did somthing and god be with you goodbye (selem) 

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