Imagine the attractive fellow passenger encroaching on your space ... . - What next? Comment, and I'll pick up your story from there ...

in story •  9 years ago  (edited)

Long flights are mind-numbing, right? Hours of being squeezed into a seat that seems to be designed to hold just about your torso, without provision made for your limbs. You fidget. You twist. You try to be comfortable within the tiny space you have.

And then you notice that the stranger in the seat next to yours has no such problems. This stranger is not tiny - but solves the problem by letting an arm and a leg cross the line to you. By being comfortable with their shoulder touching yours. By subtly ignoring the rules.

Was it half a smile you caught from the corner of your eyes? The stranger is pleasing on your eye. Attractive, in fact.

What would you wish to happen? How would the situation evolve as the hours pass?

Write your thoughts into the comment, and I'll pick up from there. I'll be your sexy stranger ;)

(and remember the upvote, of course ;) )

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Hm interesting. Write my thoughts or participate in the story?
The stranger turns around and looks at me,completely unapologetic. With a sly smile to boot. I feel completely fazed.

You realise that the stranger is asking you a question. Not with words but with the most subtle nudges and touches.
You could say that the stranger is very polite - and yet beyond social norms.
You can of course ignore the question - but some part of you enjoys the challenge to communicate without words about a delicate subject.

How do you respond?