in story •  7 years ago 


The sun was very fast. Ranjan from the scooter came to the veranda of the post office. At that time an old gentleman sitting on the bench gave him a voice, "Son, listen to me. Would  you please do one of my work? "'...?' 'Ranjan looked at him with a  questionable sight. The elder shook off an in-flight letter with his  hand,' Will you write a small letter? Please! "'....?' 

Ranjan surprised them with surprise. Looked edited, anyway? Only then did he look at his two fingers. The bandage was tied on them. Oh, is that so! So  because of this ... "fingers have not hurt, no son, in writing ..." "No  problem!" Satisfied with their intentions, Ranjan took the inland  letter, "What is to write?" The aged were happy. Writing  his' pen 'in his voice, he wrote a' post 'written' first address ... ',  writing' post 'written by' General Manager! ', Ranjan thought,' Maybe  this gentleman has been there in the service. Today, with some work ... by writing the full address, he started writing the letter, "Ayushman son Vinit Pal ..." Oh! So this is the son of 'General Manager'! Still with the name Mr.? Well! What  me? Write down the wishes of his skill, the old man aged started to  write, "Your mother's health is not good for a few months, now the cost  of medicines has also increased. Giving some rupees, it would have been good ... "Ranjan's fingers were shivering while writing. Such a request from a father for his father's son ...? Suddenly, there was no nail in the mind. When my heart is feeling so shocked, then this old man? How would the elderly father feel like? He felt that the sound of those gentlemen was thrown by writing this! The throat was blocked. What  would be a painful situation for a father, that the son on whom he  spent his money without asking for his needs, to make him worthy, is  asking for his expenditure in front of him today? 

 What was the painful tragedy of becoming 'eccentric' from the 'donor'? It was a tiring moment for some moments. Write two lines, they became silent. Ranjan started waiting for further. After  a moment he lifted his eyes and looked at them, "forward?" '...!', He  breathed a long breath, "Just the son, that's all!" And indicated the  end of the letter, "Your father, Banwar Lal!" Ranjan surprised by seeing them, "When two lines were written and money was so tight, why did you write 'inland'? Postcard? "" Postcard does not look good there son! That's such a big officer! And then ... the researcher also read the Babu. "" Then send it to the home address? There is a problem ... "" She is my daughter-in-law, does not tear my books and throw it. 

Therefore,  he does not allow the son to reach ... Therefore, in the overflowing of  the spirit, the pain of Banwarilal's heart beat him. The throat was stuck. Like a child who was separated from an innocent parent, the debris struck his face! Upon hearing this, Ranjan's laughter came to the mouth. A  father, who spent all his youth, to raise his wealth to raise his son  and to make such a high position, how much inability to express the  suffering of his heart with the same son today? That too only because of his daughter-in-law ...? Who has no contribution in making his son worthwhile? He had got the 'Allready Setlde' as a human husband! And  the full authority on her, the horoscope on her full earnings was  showing her mother-in-law scarred, because of her renunciation, whose  husband was able to earn this amount? For some moments, the painful  embarrassment continued. Then  banavaareelaal his lips, 'Thanks,' muttered the lips took the letter  out of his hand, pasted put glue on the front window and tired into  postal box-losers increased the slow gate steps. He did not even look up to Ranjan. Nevertheless, Ranjan had understood his mental mood. If once he got an eye on Ranjan, he was sure to tear his eyes. Even after the departure of Banwarilal, Ranjan was sitting there for a while. After half an hour, Ranjan left his work towards home. As soon as he got a red signal on the crossroads, he stopped and turned to Banwari Lal on the left side. Stretched with sweat, sticks and trembling steps! Banwarilal had written 'Ganesh Colony' in his address. Ganesh Colony was just one kilometer away from here, so far away so hot? 

 Due  to the shortage of money, for the sake of saving money, the poor tempo  was not doing too. Despite having no relationship, Ranjan turned the  scooter towards him. He  approached them to sit down and said, "Come, Baba, you should leave."  "Son, you do not have to suffer ..." "What kind of trouble? I am going ahead of Ganesh colony. There's my site there. You will get rid of me. "Banwari Lal's heart has become disturbed. Despite being so stranger in the sun? He  sat behind him in the blessing, when he came home, when he came home,  he grabbed his hand, urging him, "Come home for two minutes!" Ranjan  understood. They  might have wanted him to have some breakfast, but his economic  condition started to create an excuse for 'quick', then he tightly  grabbed his hand, "'Look, then I have lemons placed on my hand. Their syrup will give great relief to the heat. "They will not have to spend extra money, be assured that Ranjan came in. 

 The house was two-floor. Thirty years ago when it was deserted, new colonies were started, Banwarilal had bought two plots of 40 and 50 cheaply. In one, the bank took a loan, took the garden, and in the second it was a garden. Ranjan got very clean from the table. So, when Banwari Lal's wife Jamuna Devi brought 25-30 lemons in a plastic bag. Ranjan was hesitant. Lemon in the summer, he was also selling one such big, bigger than two rupees. Banwari Lal was selling ... Banwari Lal was caught. Hands grabbed her hand, "There are three trees, there are also flowers. I divide everyone in the neighborhood ... "That's right. The intimacy with the neighbors also remains, otherwise the son is hundreds of kilometers away! He was also silent! Thank you Ranjan came. Bornari Lal's mind was very turbulent. They were roaming around Chakraghini in the house with discomfort. There was a storm of thoughts in the brain. Some were not able to make decisions, what to do? After that day, Ranjan came to his house three times in these fifteen days. Twice also brought the wife along. An intimacy was made between them. Because of his wife Kunal, for the first time, he was getting 'Bahu's happiness'. Even  though she was a stranger, she was giving equal respect to her  father-in-law. But when Ranjan came here today, he left the earthquake  in the whirl of thoughts. They  were not able to decide what to answer Ranjan's proposal. In such a  situation, he remembered a lot about his daughter-in-law. If you were here, consult him. Only then did the sound of the rickshaw stop stop. When I saw from the window, Sevanti was descending with Nikhil. Seeing the daughter-in-law, their old siblings came to life. Ran and opened the door By then the Sevanti-Nikhil had come into the verandah. He embraced the daughter and became emotional. "Bitia was remembering you." "And I have come!" Joyously, Kilak Sevanti touched his feet. Liva Banwari Lal came in. After  inquiring, Banwarilal left the mouth, "Son in a confused ..." "That's  why we have come Babuji!" Sevanti said without listening to the whole  thing, "You should accept the proposal of Ranjanji!" '... .? ' 

 Banwari Lal Awak went to see him. How does he know Ranjan? And its proposal? It  also was the confusion of her information? "Hey dad!" Sewanti caress  him, "So the mobile Rnjanji last week you talked to us ..." "Yes ... Yes  ..." banavaareelaal remembered. But the proposal? Aware  of these two? "Papa!" Nikhil was convincing in his eroding steadily,  serious tone, "Rnjanji has suggested, we felt very reasonable. That's why we have come to call him yesterday, explain to you. "Banwari Lal kept them from surprise. So this khichadi had already been matched between them? Banwarilal was drowned in deep thinking. After the approval of daughter-son-in-law, his heart went into a deep dark cavity, It was very difficult for them to consider this suggestion that they would sell their 'house'. A beautiful place, where human beings make security dreams of future living with safety. Runs your house. Is there any memory associated with it? Hundreds of thousands of memories of every moment! How to sell them all by jumping into one shock? They came to their liver. Nikhil's  hand, they admire him gingerly eyes, "My son, to son not postponed  until today, but just think of the condition of my mind! Ask only from Sevanti. It was five-six years old. Maybe miss something How many disciplines, how many places have I built this house? Ask  the mother to call for one brick I before ... "" I believe Papa.  "Nikhil had clenched in his fist to his hands," but we drastic decisions  are telling the sake of your own good ...  "" Hey, is it good? "Banwari Lal's throat was filled with compulsion," I  am speaking to sell that house, which I had built with great passion  ... "" From the curse, Babuji taught you brother too ! "The voice of the occupant sevanti With Odi poignantly went immersed in pain. "What did you get?" Banevarlal mind buried under hundreds of tons of stones. How many dreams were woven for Bipinpal! He had taken a bank loan at the same house for his higher studies. Bipinpal did not take the excuse to repay him The entire loan was repaid by Banwar Lal. Including interest. Stunned! Idol! Banvarlal remained rooted. In  the marriage of Sevanti, he did not even have to pay money to Bipinpal,  who was sitting in the horoscope and sitting by his daughter-in-law. Banarialal had raised all the

 responsibilities. When retired ... half of the emptiness in advance, the money of PF was completed in repaying past liabilities! The  only way is to support the pension alone. Lose the loss of everything  in the life bargain like a gambler, the poorly drained  daughter-son-in-law, looking at the eyes with a sharp eyesight.  "Babuji!" The eye of the Sevanti came across the father, "Disease with  age The expenses are also rising! Where will you meet? Do  not take it from us, brother does not send! "" ... to say, the  ownership of lakhs ... but the treatment ... medicine, the doctor? ... a  rupture in a treasure trove? ... see this ... look just ... "Sevanti  started to touch his fingers. "hurt  went to look, went to cut ... but not to the doctor ... if not ...  tearing old clothes at home ... Lee tied the strip!" banavaareelaal had  lips clenched. Now they start thinking with cold mind and calm mind. Sevanti-Nikhil is really giving the right advice. Despite having assets of millions, they are living in absentia. Do not make treatment. The whole life will go in troubles. Will die after that…? After that he will come to the self-appointed son Bipinpal ... will take everything - not even today. Then why do you crave? Heavy ... desperate ... helpless mind ... He decided to sell the house. He did not sleep all night. Keep silent, keep on deciding daily routines. About eleven o'clock went to the registry. Outside the house, they started looking at their home with sad eyes. Now  this is mine ... 'My own home! ... when they return ... someone else's'  alienation' will be ... forever ... forever, standing in front of the  standing sevanti. His wedding's 'Fidiviwala' remembered the scene. This too was 'puri' on that day. 

 But how much difference does it have to be followed and having a home? There was no hurry to get away from the daughter. It was known that after being a paraya house, it will remain attached to the maiden. But here also? Their 'Premkunj' will forever be abandoned forever. He breathed a cold and breathed a lip. Nikhil stood beside him with patronage, in the car sent by Ranjan to his shoulder. In fact, he was buying house Ranjan only. His property was business. Buying land-old houses, making multistories and selling flats. That "two line" letter from Banwarilal shook her badly No relation, despite being unaware of it, is littered with their generosity and aggravates with their life. Call Nikhil and explain all the plans. After the registry, they all went home to Ranjan. Lunch and dinner were at Ranjan's house. They returned late night. While entering the 'Premkunj', the steps of Banwarilal were stunned. The  girl had gone in the morning, then the thought of the daughter came to  mind, when she returned, the son came. How many hopes had she had with  him! He  sent a loan for higher studies, gave the wife's jewelery to the  daughter-in-law, but the son forgot the bondage of the parents'  attachment in the love affair of the beautiful wife. Do not remember forgotten? Done! Like this house! Banwari Lal's mind was upset! What is the difference between having a daughter's status and being a son? The  daughter takes care of the parents even after she is absent and the son  is absent, then the parents get the helm of the helm without drifting  in the middle floor. Banivari Lal did not sleep for the night, and repeatedly revolve around the whole house like crazy rides. Ever clinging to the doors, sometimes by the walls. Fall on the floor, stare at the ceiling with the eyes without the eyes. The anger of his heart was continuously growing with the intention of selling his house built with blood and sweat. 

When the lava of anxiety began to boil in the mind, a lip glared with a pillar, "Today you left me with you. He  also earns his earnings on you ... he has crossed the border ... Today  you have also been deceived ... "Do not say that, Babuji!" The stone  that was supposed to be made of Khatha is in pain with the pain of false  accusations. "We  have not cheated you ... we have saved your life." "Yes Babuji!" With  the pillar, the walls of the house, the window, the door are all crying  and crying, "Think deeply. ! ... now you will not have to worry about any kind ... "Banwarilal started thinking about a distraught look. Ranjan bought his house in forty lakhs. He got a flat in his own multi-storey building in fifteen lakhs. The  FD in the bank of fifteen lakhs, has booked a flat in his new  multi-millionaire, that if he becomes multi-multiplied in a year, then  after selling the price, he will sell it in another new building ...!  "Now think babuji ... you have spent There  will be anxiety over the amount of money? "In the old bones of  Hetaprabh Banwarilal, I got thrown into the dustbin of 'lifeless life'  memories, but this 'lifeless' house has put life in it. Banwari Lal is now kissing him with the lifeless walls-pillars-windows and doors like the divines. "No-No, my 'Premkunj', you are not lifeless, you are the real son who is going to die in your Babuji! 




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