He was a poor young man in 1938. and all he wanted was to sell one of the spare parts he had designed to Toyota, which is a huge dream for a young man in his early years. As you can see, it will take a lot of effort to design these And as soon as it's finished, he went to the Toyota factory to realize his dream and sell it to them, but the Toyota factory refused, then he tried again and stayed awake at night trying to replace this part, so he did it and Toyota finally bought it from him, with our friend He saved up money, so he decided to set up a factory that produced spare parts. Automobile At that time, Cars were preparing for the Japanese government war and concrete materials were not available. Our friend could not establish his factory.
Do you know what our friend is doing?
He decided to invent a concrete mix of their own made to build the factory he and his friends had dreamed of !!! dream? He was able to actually manufacture it and set up his factory that started producing and producing money for all of them ... but during the war American planes bombed our friend's factory. and destroyed most of them.
Did he feel a failure then?
He left the factory immediately. and ordered his employees to try to find where these planes landed to change their fuel. and ordered them to buy this fuel as it would benefit them in the production process ... not being able to find the necessary raw materials !!!