Today is the saddest day of my life As a Doctor, I have handled so many pregnant women's patients in labor, every time I was in the birthing room I always prayed to God to bless all mothers.
The pain experienced by women in the delivery room is unexplained and this does not include the 9 months they spent bringing the baby in their stomach
they pass through a lot of pain just to give birth to a new life. Today I was crying.
with a bitter swallow I lost a woman,
we do not pray for things like this happen but sometimes God has other plans.
I asked Why is this woman's case so painful? the woman is experiencing many things.
She's barren for 14 years! And We tried the IVF method that so many people know,
Eventually God blesses him, far beyond science, and human knowledge. She's just been pregnant even though she's suffering from ovarian cysts and can get sick.
large fibroids, and the fibroids start to melt and everything is fine, I know it is the power of God
God will show his glory and greatness to all of us.
After 9 months, the time came, her husband took her to the hospital and I quickly left all the work and came to him. The woman tried to give birth to her child for hours, after four painful hours until finally our team of doctors decided to mengoprasinya.
We lost her but her baby is still alive. Before she dies, she holds the baby in her arms and smiles and says "God is great" and then she releases the baby.
I feel sad and sad, I told the news to her husband, after hearing the news, her husband fainted, their happy day turned into sadness.
We lose the life of our loved ones in order to give birth to a new life today.
Please respect women as they pass through the valley of death to bring new life. respect your wife!
Carrying your baby for 9 months is not a joke and your wife through the process of giving birth hours to give birth to your child and it was a great sacrifice.
I pray to God to please everyone who reads this, especially pregnant women, please include them in your prayers.
O my dear husband,
I repeat to respect your wife because she is really the bearer of life and may Allah strengthen all pregnant women, Who will give birth to a baby like a goat without pain.
Oh God, forgive my sin, the sins of my father's mother, my family, my brother and everyone who clicks Likes, shares & comments "aamiin" and do not You take our lives when our bodies do not deserve to be in Heaven. Aamiin ...