How Smartphones have changed our Lives - Self-Experiment

in story •  7 years ago 

Smartphones have changed our lives. Not only how we communicate with each other and receive information, smartphones also make the younger generation much more tech-savvy than the older generations.  

Since the third quarter of 2012, one billion smartphones were in use world wide. The social networking and internet usage have increased tremendously after that. As time goes on we will have no use for books, calculators and many other non electronic devices. Think back 20 years ago there weren´t any smartphones. And now we don't even remember the last day we didn´t use this mobile smart device for a whole day. It changed the way how we connect with other people and the way we do things.  

I just found a great statistic where is shown how much time an average person spent on a smartphone per day. 

According to a report released in June by researcher ComScore, the majority of internet traffic comes more from smartphones than from desktops these days. ( 60 % to be exact ) Just have a look around in public transfers, restaurants or other public places. You´re going to see a bunch of people watching on their smartphones. I mean you have many positive impacts when it comes to mobile smart devices -

  • Fast research  
  • Be connected with people around the world  
  • You are always able to do an emergency call 
  • They can detect earthquakes 
  • They save time ( example - checking emails, scheduling appointments, texting your buddys, grocery shopping, checking the weather etc. ) 
  • Opportunity to learn new things 
  • Business development  
  • Navigation wherever you are 
  • Set reminders  

 and a bunch of other cool functions.  

But are smartphones and the internet the antidote to loneliness ? 

As I told you before, these devices like tablets smartphones etc are supposed to better connect us to other people but is the opposite happening? Since we use these electronic devices it is scientifically proven that we have less physical and emotional contacts to others than before. When I go out for lunch or dinner I see young girls and boys sitting next to each other but just communicating through text messages. They don't even talk to each other especially the age between 14 to 18!  I had a conversation with @mrs.steemit that we sometimes should turn off our devices because we use them too often! When I think about my daily schedule I came up with this  

-Waking up in the morning and checking all text messages on my smartphone. 

-After that I will check the news to stay updated. 

-Then I will have breakfast and play some brain trainer apps if I´m not in a hurry. 

-I need a lot of time to get to Hamburg where I got to meet some business partners or my lovely friend @mrs.steemit and start with fitness. 

-After that it is time to work on my laptop for many hours. 

-We also sometimes skip lunch because we are so focused. 

The whole day will be us sitting next to each other, working on projects and looking too many hours on the screen. It has nothing to do with smartphones but tech-devices in general.  

So what happened to me today is quite funny because I believe it was meant to be! 

@mrs.steemit and I were planning to do a whole day just working with books, paper and pencils. I loved this idea so much that I turned off my phone at night. I usually let the phone on sleep mode since its my alarm clock in the morning. But it was Sunday so I didn´t need to get up early. I do not know what happened but I turned on my phone in subconscious and typed my password wrong too many times until it got blocked. Remember I WAS STILL ASLEEP and had no idea what I was doing. When I woke up I wondered why my phone was on but anyway checked the text messages and had breakfast. I live in the outback so I usually have no signal here thats why I didn't check if the signal was working. There is wifi at home, no worries. At lunchtime I met my sister and while I was sitting in the car I saw my phone card was locked. I tried to unlock it many times but it already showed I should type in the puk-code. Since I was driving and the code was at home, I had no choice but just take the day without any signal or driving back home to get it.  I decided to go a day without a phone and I am going to tell you. IT WAS AMAZING !  

I felt so much more relaxed during the day because the weather was nice and I was able to enjoy the warm breeze, watching out into the nature and no one could ever disturb this moment. My sister her husband and my little niece joined me and took some pictures so I can give my followers an insight view of how it was.  

I love the nature and since I live a little outside of Hamburg I have many beautiful spots and this was one of them.

We also enjoyed a huge strawberry sundae

My conclusion after this "experiment" is to take some technology breaks every now and then. Of course I love technology and wouldn´t replace it with anything else. It is the future and I want to be a part of it. But sometimes your body and soul need a little break to be focused on health and mentality. 

Quote of the day -
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind

I hope you liked reading this post and I would like to know what you think about the increase of smartphones and tablets.

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier

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There are many more car wrecks now due to people playing with their phones while driving. Many people die needlessly every day still clenching their smart phones. Driving is more dangerous than ever because of smart phones.

You are so right!!!

Lovely post of a lovely girl :D

Thanks :P

I wish I lived in the past where phones were just basic and only used for phone calls. People are always looking down and programmed to their phones .

Yes, you´re right. Time is changing fast and I can't think about what is going to happen in 10-20 years.

Smart technology Is the elites control system, please go and research what Edward Snowden released on this subject. These technology's are used to track and spy on you by very dark forces. This isn't for our good It's surveillance of the masses. They can turn the microphone, on your mobile, on even when the phone's turned off. Everyone Is constantly tracked by GPS where ever you go so your location Is always known.

I totally agree with what you are saying! Nothing is invented for our good. We are able to use it as a support. They are also able to turn on your camera on the laptop which scares me a lot. We should do a day off technology. Just leave our devices at home go outside into the nature !

humm I do hope you change your views on technology since next time your car might ask for the puk code :P as for nature, here is a great article :) It's a bit long but very informative:

Saw you in the post promotion and I was thinking this was going to be a post on how great technology is, but I can tell you that everything you said is correct and even the benefits you mentioned are detrimental in a way because they don't let us develop those abilities, we are using our memories less and less and rely heavily on technology to "feed" us information and I'm not sure we should start on navigation, people can't get anywhere without a phone it seems, half a block and they get disoriented and need to check directions or ask, having somebody hold your hand all the way is only stopping us from developing those skills ourselves.

I would ask you to check my post , but it's up to you :)

Also I'm following you now and good luck with your fitness and activities, you seem like you are on top of life :)

Wow thank you for this amazing feedback! I will definitely check out your blog! I totally agree that technology is great and I am exited for what comes next and where technology brings us, but I believe we sometimes need a break from all the tech-devices. Just to relax our eyes and body in general from the radiations.

Technology is great for many things however I couldn't agree more that it does need a break.
Thanks for sharing and Steem on :)

Thank you for your comment ! appreciate it

Great post!
I wonder how many times a day we look at our phone.
If you think about it though, with a smart phone you can get what ever you want now. All the info you could ever need is in you hand! crazyness :)