Morning cold shower

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

Autumn mornings are usually cold. Then wind is blowing, the leaves are falling and sometimes the rain drops down from the sky. It's cold, it's gray, it's beautiful.

Image of cold shower

This morning I've decided to do something I've didn't do in a long time, and that's to take a cold shower. To make it clear it's the cold part that I didn't do in a long time, not the shower itself. Just to avoid any misunderstanding.

Cold showers are a mix of bravery and craziness, in my opinion. The first 30 seconds or so, before you open the faucet and the water starts pouring down, you still ask yourself if this is a good idea. Especially if it's not your first cold shower. You know that when water will touch your skin, everything will go crazy.

First of all your skin will burn. Yeah, you read that right. For the first seconds your skin will burn from the cold water, afterwards will feel the cold and then it's total numbness, you won't know exactly what message you will receive. Your mind will go blank. Especially you make the head to join the party.

But overall it's an amazing sensation. It's a rush that you can't experience nowhere else.

The internet it's full of the benefits that a cold shower could give you, but none of them are telling about the experience. Which I think could be unique to everyone. Afterwards, we are all reacting differently to cold.

I just took that shower 30 minutes ago, but I can still feel the aftermath. I can still feel that tingling sensation in my skin, and my hair it's still wet, making my head go from cold to hot to cold again.

Did you ever tried a cold shower? How was your experience with it?

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