The Adventures of Mister Mox - Part 31

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


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In a small meadow, near a creek, around ten men were gathered in a circle, talking. Some of them were smoking, some of them were sipping from a bottle. All of them were wearing black and each and one of them had a rifle near him and a bullet belt.

Where the hell is he?” one of the men asked, with an angry voice, sustained by others.

He said that he will be here, so he will be here,” another one tried to calm the spirits.

This group of men was the Black Fox gang, Mox’s men. They were waiting for him for the heist. But the sun was going down and he didn’t appear. They would have to go soon if they wanted to reach the spot of the heist, the one that Mox itself choose, in time.

But where was Mox? That was the question on everyone's mind.

Suddenly, a noise was heard in the forest. The men grabbed their guns. They were all really nervous regarding this job and they were really jumpy at any kind of threat.

Wait, wait, it’s me!” Mox entered the meadow from the bushes, a little bit out of breath.

The men relaxed and rejoiced when they seen him.

Where the hell were you?” Bass admonished him. “You were supposed to arrive here a few hours ago?

Well, you were supposed so send me a horse as well, not just some goddamn letter” Mox rebuked back. “I had to come on foot here

Well, we have your horse” Mike replied, with an innocent face, pointing toward a black stallion that was resting with the rest of the horses.

That’s good and all, but what would’ve done with Rosa if I would’ve brought her here?” the question arrived in an instant. “When I was saying about the horse, I wanted you to send it to the Lapidas. But, never mind that now.” Mox sighed and calmed himself. “Are you all ready now? Can we do this?

We are all ready and prepared. We were just waiting for you” Bass answered.

Let’s go then” Mox ordered.

Everyone jumped on their horses and they headed toward the designed place.

It took them only half an hour to reach the ambush area. Quietly they dismounted the horses and went in their positions.

The place was like a small canyon. On each side of the train lines there were high cliffs, were Mox positioned his men. The train would enter in a curve there, just exiting a tunnel. They couldn’t blow up all the rocks when they made the line, so there were some tunnel as well in this area.

Each group had a pack of dynamite with them, which they carefully placed behind some rocks. When it was time, they would detonate it, so they could trap the train.

Mox ordered one of the men, to go ahead as a scout. They would need to light the fuse at the right time, if they wanted to take the train by surprise.

It didn’t take long for the man to return.

It’s coming. Just entered the tunnel.” the man said, while dismounting the horse and taking his position.

Mox looked at his pocket watch, counting the time. The train whistle could be heard already. Mox rose his hand, signaling the other side that it was time.

The noise made by the train on the track was getting closer and closer. The dynamite was lit. Everything was in place.

The hearts of the men were racing like crazy


The dynamite exploded, making the rocks fall on the tracks, derailing the train.

Let get them boys!” Mox yelled.

KAPOW! we are in the action part. after the small "Portrait of Anny Lapidas" arc, I'm bringing back the action mode of this story. The scene is set, the actors are in play. Quiet on the set. Action!

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good post mr. @sstefan
Do I need to follow you?

well, if you like what I'm writing, you could :)

It's been like two days I was wondering where your story went , great as always Stefan

I'm always thinking about the story. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to write. I'm working to fix this little nasty habit of mine.