The Adventures of Mister Mox - Part 40

in story •  7 years ago 


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Mox stopped chewing and looked at James with cold eyes.

Why the fuck a Major would arrive here? What the fuck is with this town and what the fuck was in that train?” he couldn’t express is feelings in any other way. He was really frustrated now. Not knowing was driving him crazy.

“Again with the questions! Don’t forget who is the prisoner here!” James slammed his hand on the table. “Where is that painting? How did you know to rob the train?”

You know what?” Mox said while finishing his drink. “I’m not saying a thing anymore. Cut me, boil me, I’m not saying a goddamn thing from now on.” and he crossed his arms across his chest, trying to prove his stand.

The corners of James mouths started to twitch. Both of them were looking at each other, like in a staring contest, trying to dominate the other. As an unspoken rule, neither of them blinked. The Butcher was sitting in the corner of the room, not knowing what to do, so he only had a dumb smile on his face.

A good couple of minutes passed like this.

Suddenly, a knock on the door made both men to look that way.

What?!” James barked toward the door. “Come in, you stupid bloke” he added when he didn’t hear anything from the other side.

The door opened and the lieutenant entered, with an apologetic smile on his face.

Captain, I’m sorry to disturb you, but the town sheriff wants a word with you.

Why would I waste my time with a town sheriff? I have more important things to do right now.

Captain, please consider this. The Silver Guard rules states that we have to cooperate with the local forces. Do I need to remind you that the Major will arrive soon."

Grrr, fine, let’s meet with this sheriff and see what he wants.

Before leaving, James took a good look at Mox, then returned to his steak. He still had a small piece to finish.

I haven’t finished with you yet, ” he warned him. “Take him back to his cell. Butcher, you’ve done a good job as always!” he praised his torturer before leaving.

Then he left the room, leaving the lieutenant to deal with Mox. The two handlers that brought Mox here, entered the room and grabbed Mox by the arms once again, dragging him on the dark corridors.

They brought him back to the same small room, where Bass was sitting as well. Poor Bass was the same as three days ago. The daily beatings made him a shadow of his former self. The round, happy Bass was gone. And he probably will never come back.

Mox enjoyed the coldness of the room. After three days of endless torture he was tired. He looked at Bass, but didn’t dare to say a word. The poor man was weeping in a corner.

He closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep. He fell asleep at some point, even he didn’t knew when. He dreamed of better days, where he was walking through town with Rosa and everyone laughed at him because of his weird attire. He dreamed of Maria and Marta. He dreamed of good wine and apple pie.

But, a good kick woke him up from the embrace of Morpheus. He opened his eyes and tried to make some sense of what was happening.

Wake up, you lazy bum. You’re going out of here.” a voice was heard.

Mox felt how he was getting carried again on the corridors, still dizzy from his sudden wake. He saw Bass getting dragged as well, which made him wonder even more about the situation.

Soon, they arrived outside, in a small courtyard. Mox had to close his eyes because of the light.

Dear God, what have done to them?” a voice was heard. Mox recognized the sheriff. “What kind of devils are you Silver Guard men? Take them away.” The sheriff ordered his deputies.

Mox realized that the sheriff arrived here to take them into custody. Silver Guard didn’t had any legal status, they were just a protection arm of Monero conglomerate. They didn’t represented the law.

But this meant that Mox and the rest of the men were awaiting trial now. And probably the gallows as well.

1/3 chapters for the week

I know that last week it was only a chapter. I apologize for this. I will try this week to post at least 1 extra chapter for you guys.
We had reached part 40, which is a milestone in itself. To be honest, I've gotten myself in trouble with this small torture arc. I didn't really knew how to put the things together to go into the direction that I wanted. And to bring the story to the outcome that I've planned. But, I think I've managed to pull one out of the hat and we are in the right direction now. I think.

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good write..