in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Four months had gone by. He was getting back to being his normal self. Not the happy jolly fellow he was when he was with her but the stern, straight faced and strict man he was before her.

A three years back, Tunde was the most eligible bachelor in Lagos. He was tall, dark handsome, and the only heir to a wealthy family. He was every girl's desire, well every girl who didn't know him. Up close, **Tunde was like a machine, he was as straight and emotionless as they come. He lived his life around his company, he was a workaholic. He demanded perfection from everyone around him.

"I don't have time for girls and their troubles " is what is he would always say when his mom would bring up the issue of grandchildren.

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This was before he met Lola. She wasn't the prettiest or the most fancy girl. She was just a Youth Corp member who was stranded. He helped her and their relationship just grew from there (against Tunde 's wishes I must add). LOLA slowly became an integral part of TUNDE's life.

Over the next year, he had grown to love her. Tunde started showing emotions that no one thought he had. He was now warm and caring, loving and kind. He was thoughtful and cheerful. Nothing seemed to annoy Tunde anymore.

All was perfect in the world until 29th July, 2017. Tunde was in his office, neck deep in work. He receives a phone call and rushes to the hospital. She was in critical condition. After two hours and of surgery and another two in the intensive care unit, she died.

In one afternoon, he had lost all that was dear to him, just because of some reckless driving of a bus driver who hit Lola's car.

Four months had gone by. He was getting back to being his normal self. Not the happy jolly fellow he was when he was with her but the stern, straight faced and strict man he was before her.

And now he might be worse than before. There is no shred of joy in his life. He has lost all faith in God. He no longer see purpose in life. He just uses work as a distraction to pass time. He now lives and functions like a well oiled machine.

I just hope life sends him another Lola.


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Great story


Sir why eh