Keureutoe is an area that has a distinctive position among the Aceh region as one of the leading and richest regions. This area is one area within the territory of the Sultanate of Aceh which has its own uleebalang, located in the area of North Aceh regency now. Keureuto uleebalang area covers the area and Krueng Pase gets to Panton Pumpkin (Krueng Jambo Aye). Its Government Center is in Jiraat Manyang area, located approximately 20 km from Lhoukseumawe now. The country is so densely populated that it is nicknamed as Keujreun Flies. In the history sheet Keureuto took the leading place. In the reign of Sultan of Aceh, uleebalangnya participate together in deliberation (Said, 1977). Therefore see the potential that belongs to this area then the Dutch tried to master it. When the Dutch were able to occupy this area, the vast area had been reduced to a landscape under the Lhok Sukon onderafdeling.
Keureuto uleebalang area can be said of a federation of several regions. Ten and the area is a core area directly governed by Teuku Chi. Eight regions are called uleebalang eight (hulubalang eight), which are ruled by uleebalang from generation to generation with uleebalang cut position. Usually this area is a newly opened area with a complex of pepper plants opened on the advice and financial assistance from Teuku Chi because uleebalang cut always depends on Teuku Chi. The four regions are called uleebalang peut, ruled by
Tuha Peut Council (H.C.Zentgraff, 1982: 382). Tuha Peut's most obvious authority in the past was matters relating to the court, so Teuku Chi could not decide a case without Tuha Peut's consent.
The first Uleebalang who ruled Keureebalangan Keureuto was Teuku Keajreua Peugamat and the last to Indonesian independence was Teuku Raja Sabi. But there is a famous uleebalang from this area that is Cut Nyak Asiah. He succeeded her husband Teuku Chik Muhammad Ali after her husband died. Cut Nyak Asiah is an agile and wise woman speaking in assemblies. In each consultation with his uleebalangcut, he himself led the meeting without the help of others (Zainuddin 1966: 85).
The marriage between Cut Nyak Asiah and Teuku Chik Muhammad All resulted in two children, but both have died since childhood. According to the custom of a dead uleebalang must be replaced by his descendants. Therefore, Cut Nyak Asiah took two sons from his brother T Ben Berghang named Teuku Syamsarif and Teuku Cut Muhammad as his son.
After Cut Nyak Asiah died the Dutch who had occupied Keuleebalangan Keureuto tried to apply the politics of sheep fighting. The Dutch appointed Teuku Syamsarif, who disliked the people and was willing to cooperate with the Dutch, as uleebalangs. Teuku Cut Muhammad did not accept the cooperation. Later, he led his people against the Dutch and fought in the mountains with the people (Zakaria, et al, 1993: 24).
In war with the Dutch, Teuku Cut Muhammad joins forces with Teuku Ben Daud. Previously Teuku Cut Muhammad fought along with the Sultan at the time of Sultan and Panglima Polem made Pasee and North Aceh the center of defense. For his services, Teuku Cut Muhammad was finally appointed as Keurueto's uleebalang from the sultan with a letter of appointment using a sikeureung cap (cap nine). Therefore, the keureuto area consists of two uleebalangs, Teuku Syamsarif appointed by the Dutch as the Baroh uleebalang (known as Teuku Chik Di Baroh or Teuku Chik Bentara) and Teuku Cut Muhammad who was appointed by the sultan as the Tunong uleebalang which was later given the title Teuku Chik Di Tunong.
Teuku Chik Tunong is not a madman of rank and position, free from foreign influence. He did not want to bow to foreign influences who often trampled the honor of nusa, nation, and religion and always considered enemies to foreign nations like Belinda. This nature brought with him as uleebalang, Teuku Chik Tunong not just uleebalangs who do not want to cooperate with the Dutch, but he is also a leader of the feared Muslim opponents and respected friends.
After marrying Cut Nyak Meutia, Teuku Chik Tunong was more enthusiastic in his struggle against Dutch rule because his struggle was fully supported by his wife. Be, they are a harmonious couple who share each other in the struggle against the imperialists and Dutch colonialists. Regarding Teuku Chik Tunong's struggle, Zentgraaff (1982: 148), once commented with the words "What a story, suddenly, like lightning, he attacks, briefly here then switches there, and disappears. He is wise enough to understand, so as not to always carry out regular resistance against the Dutch troops ".
In doing battle Teuku Chik Tunong has a strategy that is telling and mature. He, together with his wife, before intercepting the Dutch patrol first spread spies. Thus, they can prepare their troops who are conducting operations that are considered strategic. This method could be of great advantage because the Dutch were intercepted suddenly so that Teuku Chik Tunong could seize the weapons of members of the Dutch forces.
Several times they managed to intercept the Dutch patrol. In 1902 Teuku Chik Tunong's troops attacked the Infantry Detachment under the commander of the 30-strong Van Steijn Parve. In the battle, the Netherlands lost 8 soldiers dead and wounded while on the side of troops Teuku Chik Tunong suffered 14 people who died (Zentgraff, 1982). In August he recounted a successful assault against Dutch troops patrolling from Simpang Ulim to Blang Ni. Teuku Chik Tunong can find out the route that the Dutch troop passes and then destroy it near a path not far from Meunasah Jeuro. Victory after victory gained during the battle with the Dutch added the moral strength of Teuku Chik Tunong's troops to keep fighting.
One of the hard blows provided by Teuku Chik Tunong troops to the Netherlands occurred in November 1903. At that time, a patrol troop led by Lieutenant Kok boarded two boats that departed from Krueng Sampoe Niet to Matang Reyeuk village. This troop will destroy the troops of Teuku Chik Tunong who will hold a big feast. But the merchant is a mere hoax. In accordance with the plan, Kok forces can finally be destroyed by Teuku Chik Tunong's troops. This severe blow brings considerable influence to the Dutch army, they feel empowered by the people of Aceh. The Dutch actions taken against Teuku Chik Tunong's struggle are as follows:
- Holding negotiations with Cut Nyak Asiah (former Keesuto uleebalang before being divided by two or Teuku Chik Tunong's parents). Through Cut Nyak Asiah, Van Heutz, the Acehnese civilian and military governor, stated that Teuku Chik Tunong was Keureuto's uleebalang in Tunong and only admitted to Keureuto's uleebalang under the leadership of Teuku Syamsarif (Teuku Chik Bentara Keureuto).
- Enlarge the troops and send capable officers in the face of guerrilla warfare to conduct massive operations in the Pase / Keureuto area. The troops were entrusted to Captain HNA Swart consisting of two infantry battalions and six Marsose army brigades (Ahmad, 1993: 44-45).
Faced with large and well trained Dutch troops, Teuku Chik Tunong's troops assisted by Cut Nyak Meutia did not flinch at all. Apart from the brilliant attack. Like that there are many more small attacks he did on Dutch infrastructure such as railroads, telephone lines and the like.
The more ferocious attacks carried out by Teuku Chik Tunong forces caused the Dutch to be upset. The Dutch responded by killing innocent people so that the people hated Teuku Chik Tunong. But apparently this calculation slipped, the population even more trust in Teuku Chik Tunong.
In addition, the endless Dutch to face the troops of Teuku Chik Tunong, finally in September 1903 Swart as the detachment commander based in Lhokseumawe asked Cut Nyak Asiah and Teuku Syamsarif to persuade Teuku Chik Tunong mountain. If not successful, Cut Nyak Asiah will be sentenced to exile (exile) to Subang. This message was then submitted to Teuku Chik Tunong and Cut Nyak Meutia through the messenger. A few days later Teuku Chik Tunong went down to see Cut Nyak Asiah (Zainuddin, 1966: 89).
At the same time in mid-1903 Sultan Muhammad Daudsyah along with his followers such as Polem Commander, Muhammad Daud, and others have stopped the resistance. This is a consideration for Teuku Chik Tunong and his wife Cut Nyak Meutia to stop the open resistance.
Finally on October 5, 1903 he came to surrender with his troops, marked by a meeting between Cut Nyak Asih and Teuku Chik Tunong with HNA Swart, the commander of the Dutch Detachment in Lhokseumawe. Teuku Chik Tunong was accepted by the Dutch and treated well and justified settling in Kenegerian Keureuto. Nevertheless they will continue to undergo the underground struggle (Zainuddin, 1966: 89; Talsya, 1977: 10).
Although Keureuto appeared to be safe after the surrender of Teuku Chik Tunong and his wife, the Dutch continued to patrol the remains of surviving Acehnese fighters. Of the many patrols they undertook there was a patrol bringing the devastating catastrophes of the Dutch from Lhokseumawe and Kutaraja all the way to Batavia. The great catastrophe suffered by the Dutch occurred on 26 January 1905.
At that time, a patrol led by sergeant Vollaers with 16 members of the army built a bivouac in Meurande Paya. The troops were apparently not being cautious. They let the Acehnese selling chicken and fruits into the fence. Suddenly an Acehnese gestured for an attack. All members of the Dutch troops were killed, except one who had escaped (Zentgraff, 1982: 120).
This event is very painful for the Dutch. In order to make up for this defeat, Swart orders to find the main perpetrator. He ordered Van Vuuren to investigate. From the results of his research, he found sufficient evidence to ensure that the invaders were Uleebalang Fruit together with Petua Dullah. Van Vuuren succeeded in uncovering a secret veil that had been in disguise, namely that in the raid it was actually matured by Teuku Chik Tunong and channeled through Keujereun Buah and Peutua Dulah (Zentgraff 1982: 121-122).
Regardless of whether or not the result of the investigation, on March 5, 1905, Teuku Chik Di Tunong along with his followers Teuku Di Buah (Teuku Mohd Daud) was captured by Van Vuuren and imprisoned in Lhokseumawe for 20 days. The Chik Tribe in Tunong and Teuku Di Buah was then sentenced Died by the Dutch colonial government, which meant he was hanging. But Van Daalen, then a military governor, felt it was inappropriate for a fighter who was once a brave warrior now to be hanged. He was entitled to an honorable death, then Van Daalen converted the verdict into a death penalty.
Before being fired, Teuku Chik Di Tunong was given the chance to meet his wife Cut Nyak Meutia, his five-year-old son Teuku Raja Sabi, and his adoptive mother Cut Nyak Asiah, and his brother Teuku Chik Bentara. He advised Cut Nyak Meutia to raise Teuku Raja Sabi and marry Pang Nanggroe to continue the struggle against the Dutch.
On March 25, 1905, Teuku Chik Tunong and Teuku Chik Di Buah were taken to the shore of Old Lhokseumawe Kampung Jawa Village to face the firing squad. Tied to a metal pole, both of them were shot. Fall a Aceh hero (Zentgraff, 1982: 122). At the request of Maharaja Lhokseumawe, both were buried in Mon Geudong Village. Tomb of Teuku Chik Di Tunong and Teuku Di Buah are in the middle of the public grave area next to meunasah Mon Geudong Village.