recognized the famous tailor franz reichelt "mengenal sosok penjait terkenal franz reichelt"

in story •  7 years ago 

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Franz Reichelt has expertise in sewing in France. He wanted to prove to the crowds that if people were wearing their own clothes, then everyone could go safely from any height, he tried his own artificial experiments by experimenting on the world's tallest tower at that time the Eiffel tower, he had done experiments of his own stitches with sculptures, but less perfect because the statue can not release its wings when free fall, because he did his own action of the work, he did not expect the experiments that he did not produce perfect results, therefore doing the action he died instantly, alias failed or died ridiculous.

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Franz Reichelt mempunyai keahlian dalam bidang menjahit di Perancis. Ia ingin membuktikan kepada orang banyak, apabila orang-orang menggunakan pakaian buatan dirinya, maka semua orang dapat terjun dengan selamat dari ketinggian manapun, dia mencoba eksperimen buatan nya sendiri dengan melakukan percobaan di atas menara tertinggi di dunia saat itu menara Eiffel, dia pernah melakukan eksperimen hasil karya jahitannya sendiri dengan patung, namun kurang sempurna dikarenakan patung tersebut tidak dapat melepaskan sayapnya ketika terjun bebas, oleh karna itu dia melakukan sendiri aksi hasil karya tersebut, tak di sangka percobaan yang dia lakukan tidak membuahkan hasil yang sempurna, oleh karena itu saat melakukan aksi tersebut dia tewas seketika, alias gagal atau mati konyol.

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