💡 That month there are twelve, like his sons Ya'qub alaihis-Salam. The month of Ramadan among the other months is like the Prophet Joseph among his brothers.
🌱 As Joseph is the most beloved son of Ya'qub.
Likewise, Ramadan is the Moon most beloved by substances that know the unseen nature.
🌹 Joseph's brother came (to Egypt) deliberately to Joseph asking for sufficient and eliminated distress (season of shortage of food at that time). Whereas before they had made mistakes and mistakes. So Joseph did good to them in the banquet and improved their situation.
💧 Yusuf feeds them in times of famine and allows them to return.
👋🏻 Then one person (Yusuf) can cover the needs of eleven people (his brother).
Likewise the month of Ramadan, We hope to cover in Ramadan everything we have ever underestimated in other months.
🌺 We can fix for him what is broken from our affairs, then we will close with happiness and pleasure. ☝🏻 Another gesture, Ya'qub returns his sight after smelling Joseph's scent, then he becomes strong again after being in a weak state, being able to see after his previous blindness.
✅ Likewise, a sinner acts if he smells Ramadan. (He will become the strength of his previously weak spirit of worship, he becomes able to see which he had previously blinded his heart with immoral.)
📑 From the book: Bustaan Al-Waa'izhin wa Riyadhu As-Sami'iin