Story time - family dinner and jail

in story •  8 years ago 

This is the story about how I basically spent the whole night in jail... It begins this past weekend, we went to my in laws for some dinner and after decided to play a board game...

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The game that won the majority of the votes was monopoly. Thats cool (I thought, unaware that the monopoly gods disapproved me playing with my husband)


Before starting my in laws told me I should go first, i suggested that we let the dice decide that fate...well lets just say that I should have gone first because not only where the dice unkind, they also ended up with me being one of the last people to roll... in normal circumstances that would be fine... as I said before. The monopoly gods did not approve of me playing.

Next thing I know I am sent to jail before passing begin even once... so I was behind and stuck... as my inlaws started buying properties, I was buying myself out of jail... but guess what. Two rolls later and I'm back in jail...

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By this point some of my in laws have passed begin twice... and I was still stuck in jail... finally I get out. I make it past begin, just on time for my brother in law to put up hotels....

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Long story short, I ended up in jail again shortly after... infact during that game I passed begin twice (total) and I was playing for 3 hours before I went bankrupt.

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Thats the story about how I basically ended up spending the whole night in monopoly jail.

Oh and my husband won the game.

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dont pass go and go directly to jail lol. I love that game. So many memories, playing with my fam.

The best, go back 3 spaces... and you land on go to jail... just when you thought you were safe

LOL love your heading, really gave me a fright. Very nice post.

Thank you. Im going to be honest here. By the 7th time i ended up in jail I was ready to strangle the guy who decided on that square

Excellent post @thegoldencookie I agree with what you write, it's very interesting, we must support ourselves as a community, I appreciate it if you I would give me a look at my last post and give me your opinion, greetings and success in everything, thank for sharing! I love it monopoly!

Hahaha the "clickbait" is hilarious 😂 really enjoyed reading your post