What steemit should know about corsets!

in story •  7 years ago 

I  saw a post on the homepage and below there was quite a discussion about  the corsets and how bad they are because they are moving organs and  other such things. Since I've been wearing some  and a little experience in this field, I decided to make a post that  will debunk some of these myths and tell you what in the corsetting  world. Plus, I know Imgur likes it and you will be cosplay able to tell who does it right at the very least. Keep in mind that these are just basics and I will not go into details.

 1. In modern corsetting there are corsets that are known as "fashion corsets" that do nothing for your waist. Look at the difference between the first and the second picture. The girl in the top one has a real corset. Her size is small but I bet she would be able to swing that look for hours. In the second picture the girl is wearing a tube that probably has plastic boning. But even if the boning is steel, this corset does not have a good profile and is therefore very uncomfortable. Corset should not make everyone look like they are carrying a toilet paper tube. 

2. Some people say that corsets are bad because they move organs. And well surprised - organs are mobile. They move a lot more when a woman is pregnant than they would ever for a corset. 

3. Corsets do not make your waist smaller unless you wear them all the time for years. They rearrange mostly the soft bits so yes your insides but even more prominenlty fat. They can redesteibute that fat slightly over time. Plus, they will make you eat less.


4. Real corsets are not uncomfortable. If they are then you have bought a wrong size or try to tie it too tight to start. There is a learning curve for wearing corsets. So,  if you are interested in wearing one then please inquire about the  subject before making your first purchase if you do not buy a fringe  (many of them there, I had a little !). I  personally recommend Orchard Corsets as a place that sells the real  ones and will take you through the education process with lots of  helpful tips. Proper corset feels like a tight hug and it is quite comfortable to wear. However, if this is your first time I will not do it more than a few hours. Once, I set up a camp with a tent and in one of their corsets if 10/10 would recommend!


5. The girl above wears a corset, but hey this style (overbust) is much harder to buy unless you are an experienced wearer. Start with Underbust styles. Many girls know how difficult it is to buy a well fitting bra if you are even a bit out of the ordinary. It is even more complicated for corsets. Underbust styles also give your body more flexibility.


6. Even though the girl above might look cool - again she does not wear a proper corset. Real corset need space for a hip bone it will look more like a "plateau" at the bottom.

 7. There are women who take corsetting to extremes and want to reach tiny height which is very unhealthy. However,  if you have a proprly-sized corset that has only a few inch reduction,  you have an active lifestyle (take your corset off to the gym! It's not a  size trainer.), And are reasonable on your goals, then an ISN corset will not hurt you in any way. I sometimes wear one under my clothes at my office work because it makes sitting directly at the front desk easier.


8. In addition, some women naturally have small sizes, but some do not. Corset shapes you when you wear it, but it's not a magic wand. If you want to see results when you do not wear one, then you may have to wear it regularly for years. You will see a better result if you are a little bit smaller because fat redestributes easier. I did not see any difference in my waist size (only 26in) of the corset. But then again, I'm just wearing for fun. So  have fun with corsets or not, but please do not spread negativity  towards girls who like to wear them :) stay golden, Steemit!

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