The PLOUF Saga [Part 10 of 17] - The unconsciousness of the beginner

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy): La Saga PLOUF [Episode 10] : L'inconscience du débutant

As my primary language is not English, there are probably some mistakes in my translation.

Remember that the person who speaks here is NOT me, Vincent Celier (@vcelier), but Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy), a French guy.

Note: "Plouf", in French, is an onomatopoeia that phonetically imitates the sound of an object that falls in the water. The equivalent in English would be "Plop" or "Splash". That is a strange name for a boat!

Brief summary of previous episodes

In January 2016, I am given a boat, a tiny sailboat. A kid's dream. Her name is Plouf. And in fact the canoe is in a state not possible and I do not know much except sailing. I tell you the journey that I traveled with this small boat, that have become my fourth baby! The refurbishing job is finished, and a first outing with Julien was organized. Today, I will sail alone with the children ... in the big bath as they say!

The PLOUF Saga [Part 10 of 17] - The unconsciousness of the beginner

A nice sun for this Saturday morning to accompany our second exit. The weather report has changed a bit. Winds are north this time: 25 knots announced and a slight swell. I went in front of the Harbor Master's office to check that it was playable. No special alert. So go!

Maneuvers to the millimeter, imperial exit from the harbor! It's at sea that things get a bit complicated. Indeed, the wind really blows. But at least it is steady. There is swell too. It's kinda shake. My son takes the helm and I set the sails. He cuts the engine and the canoe starts to face the waves. It shakes a little but it's funny. The children are happy.

We make two rather long tacks but it is rather cold and my crew would like to go back. It is clear that we are not well equipped. I propose to my son to go and buy shift jackets in the afternoon. Sold, as they say. I lower the sails and we return to the pontoon. Everybody smiles. I return to the Harbor Master's Office.

Yann greets me: "Sincerely, you are sailing very well because the conditions are at the limit for your boat today. I did not let you go for a minute with the binoculars." And he's telling me that only now? At the same time, it's reassuring because we were under surveillance. I will have to learn to read better the weather report. to decrypt it and to adapt.

In the afternoon, the bank card warms up at the hardware store. Wind vane, new compass, pulleys of all kinds and ropes for my moorings and sheets. Ronan promises to go tomorrow to put all this in place. I paw the ground. In a very short time, Plouf will become a super fully equipped boat, ready to go and play with the biggest ones during regattas. Oh yes, we are not going to stop in such a good way.

On Sunday, Ronan actually came and set everything up. A real joy. The splices are beautiful and the boat slams well. All the pulleys are in place, the new clean listening makes me a sign of the eye. In the days that followed, I brought everything back to the cockpit as planned. I decided that I will do all the painting of the bridge with non slip areas this summer.

In the weeks that follow, I make a lot of changes planned on the boat. All pulleys are new and upscale. The whole is brought back to the cockpit. To please my Plouf, I even offer him a brand new compass! I go out almost everyday with friends. Never alone. Until this famous Sunday morning ... The day of the beating ...

-- Vincent Le Roy (@vincentleroy)

Continue to Part 11

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
Part 9

All photos are property of @vincentleroy and under copyright

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I always wanted to sail into the sea.

The freedom it gives us, to go anywhere we want, without any directions or limits.

The way you have described your story has made me more enthusiastic about it.

Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..

It is a lot of excitement for children to go sailing, I think everybody in general loves water from the origin there is a special connection, like for example babies have no problems to be under water and as reflex just hold their breath. Growing further we love to play with water and later it is the great time to have holiday at coast. But sailing that is the top of the children's dream, like to be a pirate and sail into storm. Of course, preferable warm storm. I think Plouf, going to be a great experience and it seems like you put so much love in it Vincent Le Roy. It is a great memory and good for you that you kept it on paper. Sometimes hte memories pale off and the emotions cool down. But once it is on paper, while reading you start to smile and you heart warms up bringing all the lived moments to its shine. :)

Great travel photos man. Love this post!

What is see is a man terribly in love with his boat. You love plouf and its your baby.

Keep up the sailing romances!

looking better and better! returning to life!

Its sound to be good news as translated in English version @vcelier sir and sailing in sea is having great adventures tour as well as dare, great job doing as well as discussed herewith us. That's awesome. Thanks
I resteem the post.

It feels so much better to take a boat in the sea in the cold air, like this,

It takes great pleasure to take Vod in the sea, and you look very beautiful, thanks, for giving the post

Very nice story ,the pictures are really beautiful,but why do you decided that I will do all the painting of the bridge with non slip areas .

You shared some great photography and a beautiful story ..... I liked your post very much ... hope you all love it ... and wait for your next post ... thanks

Very nic post.

Great captions @vcelier. I really love it, the red jackets makes it more flashy. Wish to be in a boat someday too. Thanks for sharing this great pictures

Hope someday your sailorsoul bring your boat to Aceh, this is may inspiring the victim of Tsunami and people in aceh do the samething like you. Vote for you, excuse me to resteem. Best regards.

Amazing moment, saluuuute.. Always health Mr. @vcelier. If u dont mind, I vote and reblog your post.

Amazing pics

Cool..i really like what you do, then from that your post i resteem yes sir @vcelier

This is an authorized translation

Guess the kids enjoyed the ride. And the boat looks more beautiful after the painting
