Steemit Author Audiobooks: @Ezzy's "The Symbiotic Protocol" Edited - Prologue (Original Narration)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

With gracious permission from the wonderful novelist/author @ezzy, I have been granted the honor to read his story "The Symbiotic Protocol", which is a Must Read, and now a Must Hear.

I can now follow through with starting my initiative, "The Steemit Author Audiobooks", to promote great writers that I come across and bring their work to life with my storytelling.

Please bear with me as I adjust to the writing styles of each genius wordsmith and their stories, as I vow to only improve and present the best quality audio book submissions to help you all stay up to date on these unique and fascinating stories when you don't have time to sit down and read.

This is the first of this ongoing series and I hope you enjoy it for what it is.
To read along with me, please visit @ezzy's page and start from the beginning of his Scifi-Fantasy hit with the Prologue

@ezzy definitely has my permission to include these posts as reference points for his audience of readers in his novel chapter posts so that we can link back to each other accordingly. I only hope to compliment and do justice to the groundwork and foundation he has laid for this idea that was sparked within me while reading his Prologue and Chapter 1 of his amazing story. Stay tuned for more and please press play.

If you have difficulty playing the soundcloud player above, here is the direct link to the
Prologue Edited Narration, which will redirect you to the website, Soundcloud.

Thank you for reading and listening to this post in its entirety. The focus is on @ezzy's novel so I don't want to be too heavy handed on the gifs, which I am known for, but I'll grant you two per post to look at :)

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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This is the future of steemit.


You are most welcome and thank you for checking out my post. I hope you enjoy @ezzy's great story. So many exciting things happening in this great community. It makes me really content.

Oh, how awesome!! What a magnificent combination ;)

Thank you very much for your kind comment! It is a great combination indeed, and I'm glad to have provided you awesomeness :)

Fantastic collaborative initiative! I wish you the very best of luck!

Thank you very much bro, I appreciate the comment and best wishes. I shall continue this collaborative initiative consistently. By the way, I posted another experimental beat called Do You See What Chia Seeds? for @everlove's Collaborative Art Journey for this week. Hope you enjoy the music vibes bro.

@verbal-d I love the idea of audio books, but please be aware that unless you have written permission from the publisher/rights holder to make the audiobook, it is considered copyright infringement.

If you look at the imprint page of the book (behind the title page), you will generally see the following disclaimer (or something similar):

All Rights reserved. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this publication via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized printed or electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated.

The bold phrase basically means any method (including audio recording distribution).

Thanks for the insight, luckily for me, @ezzy hasn't published this book yet under any company and he has given me written permission to make an audiobook out of his written novel. I'll be sure to question other Steemit Authors even if they themselves agree to allow me to record a narration of their stories, but to make clear that they aren't under the binding law, contract agreement with a publishing company. Appreciate the heads up. Better to be safe than sorry.

I think this is a legit concern over the matter @lpfaust, thanks for bringing this up.

I agree, and I replied accordingly, but I am safe with what I've started now with just the single author @ezzy I've paired up with. But it's good to keep this in mind for future reference and collaborations indeed. Much appreciated

Get the book / audiobook out :)

Have you listened to one of the Neuromancer audiobook found here? It has some ambient / fx / atmospheric sounds in its audiobook sequences. (I don't audiobook that much to know if that's standard practice)

Great voice work btw, man!

Hey @kevinwong, great to see you in the comments section. Thank you very much for checking this out. I plan to continue this daily. I actually checked it out and I could definitely do audio books like this with the help of my music software and changing up the tonality and delivery of my voices for certain characters. I enjoyed the Neuromancer audiobook, however sound effects usually aren't standard practice in audiobooks, they are just a preferential addition for listeners who need a bit extra audible environment.

I agree with @ezzy that his writing and only my voice is the best way to present this particular novel, otherwise I'd go crazy with the robotic and futuristic sounds lol I wouldn't want to ruin it.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the narration.

@ezzy making it big time! Great work @verbal-d!

Thank you very much @getonthetrain, that means a lot. I'm happy to be collaborating with @ezzy. Steem on!

Thank you for creating this audiobook! I love @ezzy on going book here on steemit and this extra exposure should provide him and you with the much deserved extra readers and listeners! Fantastic!

Thank you for being a listener! I love his book as well and I'm glad it is bringing his wonderful work to the forefront again and I can be the catalyst to help him get more exposure as well as showcase more versatility from myself as well. The success and progress goes hand in hand. I will be submitting daily Chapters until I'm fully caught up, so please stay tuned. Again thank you very much for your support and approval

Wow, @verbal-d! I could listen to your voice all day! It's like drinking a fine wine!

Incredible job with @ezzy's book. Your feeling and emotion connect with me perfectly as a listener. Please can you keep this going as it seems you've opened up a new area for Steemit. Look forward to more from you very soon and the awesome story "The Symbiotic Protocol".

Fantastic job. Very well done indeed.

Thank you truly for your wonderfully worded compliment. I can now say Mission Accomplished. I am glad I could convey the feeling and emotional connect and no worries I plan to do this daily until I am fully caught up with @ezzy's latest Chapters and then from there I shall be revealing more works from other authors. I am very grateful for your feedback and your positive encouragement. Humbled

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Allow me to bow to the master that is @verbal-d! Man, what have you done?

After that, I think it'll be listening to rather than reading my book in the future! The emphasis you place on all the right words, your flow and pacing. It's an amalgamation of unique skillsets all rolled into one. Absolute perfection in the making.

One humble request from me if I may. Please, please don't change the format. The way you've presented this now is the best way it can possibly be represented. I am beyond speechless at how well your idea has turned out.

And listen, the honour is all mine. To have such a heartfelt and beautifully executed reading like that, is just out of this world! All I can say is "thank you from the bottom of my heart, my brother" and eagerly wait for more from the true master that is @verbal-d...

No, my friend. No need to bow down to me. I am no master, but simply a jack of all trades in creativity. I am extremely happy that you have enjoyed my first attempt and how I approached the reading of your wonderful novel. Nice usage of "amalgamation", I do enjoy your vocabulary as too keep my brain sharpened.

I definitely won't change the format at all don't worry. And yes the feedback and how well it's been received by the Steemit community is overwhelming and I've also been promoting it on Facebook and souncloud as two other avenues.

We are both honored by each other and that is the best. You are most welcome and I can't wait to post Chapters 1-14 (1-2) all in daily succession until I'm caught up to where you are at now.

A riveting story expertly told by you, @verbal-d. You truly are a talented individual. I loved reading the story on @ezzy's blog but now might listen to your retelling instead! :)

Thank you extremely for your moving response. I am content with the feedback received thus far and will continue to put forth the best material I possibly can and shall submit these Audiobook Chapters daily until I'm fully caught up with @ezzy's latest Chapters. I look forward to starting Chapter 1 tomorrow. So glad to have you as a listener. @ezzy outdid himself with this novel for sure.

Great idea! I may try offering something like this for my fantasy writing!

Thank you very much for you enthusiasm and comment. I just finished recording Chapter 3 of this book. It's quite fun indeed. I shall definitely find time to check out your fantasy writing if you have something posted of your works. Appreciate it.

Thanks! what equipment do you recommend for me to record my writing? I use a mac... And yes, I did post chapter 1 of 4, The Pirate's Last Wish. Click my name, and it's the most recent blog post. Thanks!

I actually for now just use the built in mic in my apple headphone however a usb or phantom powered microphone with a pop filter is more ideal for a clearer more crisp recording, although I'm still in the process of getting a cost friendly audio interface to power my condenser mic. Either way, you can record with the basic and fine tune the sound in your music software Garageband like I do also on my Macbook as well. You're very welcome and best of luck!

Wow, awesome to see an author and a narrator both producing content on here! Nice work.