Chapter 11: The Final Battle
I start to feel an overwhelming pressure and agony within me as I sense the well united collective consciousness of darkness gathered in the middle east. The hatred, anger, and violence is more than my mind and body can handle.
I see the location in my mind and I am now standing in a huge desert on top of a hill overlooking millions of soldiers. Every one of them was recruited by Francisco Monty from the Compass Group, and all of the words elite is in agreement with him. Each criminal was contacted telepathically according to each of their dark vibrational frequencies. It was very easy to do using our elaborate worldwide cell phone tower system that is already in place. The Compass Group leases a small area of every mobile phone tower in the world. They have an Artificial Telepathic mind control system that they use on tax paying citizens all over the world. All they do is adjust the frequency to target whoever they want, and their message is instantly received in the minds of their targets. Not only that, but they can actually force people to go against their own moral judgements, and commit murder, surely we live in perilous times!
Within a few moments I am recognized from a distance by the army of villains, and suddenly a guided missile was launched, penetrates my stomach, and blows my body parts all over the desert. My Soul immediately begins to hover over the battlefield, as I am now observing their next move. Ten minutes goes by and the dark souls begin to celebrate, thinking that they already defeated me. Twenty minutes go by and they start packing up to leave the desert. Then right before they sound the victory alarm, a huge wet mist with flashes of lightning and electrical currents are seen throughout the mist. Ten thousand balls of ultra violet light begin to form out of the electrical currents that are all over the battle field. My face begins to appear within each ball of light, followed by my neck and body, until a complete clone of me is standing where each ball of energy was.
A Panic overtakes every soldier and they launch guided missiles, bullets, and flame throwers at all ten thousand clones, as I am incinerating in this barrage of aggression. To burn, and die ten thousand times within a few short minutes is no easy task. It took all of my experiences up until this point to prepare me for this day.
Now I'm dead again and hovering over the battle field, but this time the dark soldiers are not in a hurry to leave just yet. They're actually quite frightened from my clones that came back to life. They suspect it will happen again. They were right, only this time ten thousand clones of me appeared for every one that just died, totaling a rebirth of one hundred thousand versions of me. The ground begins to tremble and an earthquake breaks out, along with one hundred thousand balls of ultra violet light, all connected with lightning bolts and manifesting my bodies all over the battlefield. A sheer panic overtakes the dark soldiers as they throw every conceivable weapon at me. This takes only about 15 minutes to complete, until I am dead again one hundred thousand times.
Now as I am again hovering in spirit over the battle field, I notice a change already taking place in my enemies. The increased power of my spiritual energy being multiplied over the battlefield is causing the soldiers to drop their weapons and fall to the ground in tears, weeping over their lifetime of sins. Eventually every soldier is laying flat on their face, as one billion spheres of ultra violet light begin to manifest. The light was so bright it can be seen all throughout the middle east. The energy was so powerful that nearby cities were feeling a wonderful Joy come over them. A holy type of laughter broke out everywhere in about 15 different Middle eastern cities. You can see old men rolling around on the sidewalks laughing, men and woman parking their cars and getting out holding their stomachs because of their intense joy. Kids of all ages were also overtaken by this powerful manifestation taking place. When a soul is filled with light, laughter is the manifestation, but when a soul is filled with darkness, weeping comes over them until they are face down on the ground. This is what happened to the dark soldiers on the battlefield, the power of forgiveness brings weeping to the dark soul and brings joy to the righteous soul. When the Ultra Violet Spheres subsided, and my one billion clones appeared standing before every soldier, the holy laughter began to subside in the neighboring cities.
Then like the sound of thunder that can be heard in every country and corner of the world, my one billion voices speaks, "Forgiveness is now granted to every life on planet earth. Tomorrow morning a new city will rise, and establish a brand new season of absolute peace and harmony for all of humanity." Upon finishing my statement, all of my clones turned into pure energy, and were sucked into my one original body, since their purpose has been fulfilled and were no longer needed at this time. I watched for a few minutes as my former enemies all had a wonderful glow on their smiling faces, showing gratitude as they gazed at me. It was as if their true essence has been returned to them and they looked anxiously ready to walk into the next chapter of their lives a new creations.
Before I had a chance to grant forgiveness, Francisco Monty and fifteen of his darkest employees from the Compass Group decided to take refuge in a bunker located in Europe to avoid the power being emanated all over the middle east. They left the battlefield on my first resurrection where I cloned ten thousand times. That was enough for him to realize that his time of control is about toeager to come to an end.
It appears my mission on planet earth has been accomplished, and I was promised that I would be able to ascend into the celestial realm using the ascension chamber at my residence, so I teleported back to my resting place, anticipating my reward of ascension.