Chapter 06: Hanson Eckinsburg's Mission
I decided to take a break and teleport to the home of my old High School friend, Kevin, in my home town of Remington Falls, Vermont. This is where I was destroyed and brought back to life my fifth time by the Assassin sent from Francisco Monty of the Compass Group. The warrant for my arrest to bring me back to prison has been dropped because apparently my families killers turned themselves in for my sake. Do you think the transformation from granting these criminals forgiveness lasts? You bet it does. This former assassin that wasted me at Kevin's home quickly begins working for me in gathering all newly changed souls into our new transformation facility, located in a secret underground portion of my home underneath Bimini Island. In this facility angels come down and work directly with these newly converted souls. In this incredible place each soul is taught about the mysteries of the Universe and God. Finally a clear enlightened education system to reverse the dark programming we have had done to us for thousands of years.
My former Assassin's name is Hanson Eckinsburg. After Hanson left the scene and was driving home with tears in his eyes, the phone rings. Its Monty Francisco again, "Hanson, the money will take a few extra days to get deposited into your account. Before we can pay you on this job we need you to take on another assignment in South Africa. There is a dirtbag who has been writing letters to a local newspaper about our child prostitution ring there, and quite frankly he needs to disappear quickly. This is an urgent situation and needs to be done right away. Once this assignment is complete you will have an extra one million dollars in your account."
"Thanks but no thanks Mr. Francisco, you can hold onto your money, I am resigning as of today."
"Impossible! Nobody resigns from working for me. You work for me,or you will find yourself wearing concrete shoes in the arctic ocean."
"Sorry sir, I no will no longer take another life for you, or anyone."
"Have it your way Hanson, it won't take long to get you fitted for those shoes."
Hanson now becomes afraid for his life and decides to sell his car for scrap and parts to a nearby junkyard. He takes the money to find a motel room to hide out in until he can figure out what to do next. He takes a taxi and finds a nice little roach infested motel a few miles from the junkyard for just $25 a night. He ends up sleeping with all of his clothes on so he's not eaten alive by the nasty bed bugs he finds all over the place. At around 1:00am he is suddenly awakened by a bright piercing light at the foot of his bed. The light then subsides, and standing before him is a giant angelic being. The Angel's name was Mercinee. "Hanson, your life is now in grave danger, and you must be taken to a safe place where we will train you in helping Jonathan Powers with his mission. Here is a very important device that will teleport you to the exact location you need to be. It is pre-programmed to take you to a hidden underground facility that we cannot disclose to you at this time. Grab hold of your things and press the silver button and I will meet you in your new home for training." Hanson was in a state of shock and didn't say a word. He did exactly as the angel said, and gathered his things. He pressed the silver button fully knowing that if he didn't do as he said, he would die a horrible death by the hands of Francisco Monty.
Within the blink of an eye Hanson is now standing in a beautiful large circular crystal room with gold and silver plated walls. It had a huge round table with about one hundred seats, and in the center of the table was a holographic conscious projector that can be seen from any angle showing what appeared to be various events happening throughout the world. Hanson was not sure if they were past, present or future events. There were also 12 long corridors that went out from the edges of this room in exact spacing from each other. Along those corridors there were rooms that appeared to be resting places for humans with anti gravity sleep capsules. Apparently this is the sleep system of the future! The rooms seemed to go on for miles and miles in every direction, and there were community centers in every corridor where people can socialize with others and eat. Also within each of the twelve corridors appeared to be what looked like a school of the future. This school was no school we are used to, it had all sorts of gadgets that would hook up to your body and head with a holographic consciousness projector in the center of each classroom. The teacher in each classroom hooks up a few wires to his head, and the projector literally displays every thought form from the teacher in a manifested hologram through these projectors. Some of the other gadgets in the classrooms were for removing old remnants of dark programming in the minds of each transformed murderer. There were also operating rooms and laboratories to remove some of the elite's tracking implants placed in the flesh of a lot of the converts we would rescue. The Angel, Mercinee, begins training Hanson on how to teleport to each location that a new convert is made, and persuade them to come back to this new facility to get their minds free from the dark programming they have been force fed all of their life. Mercinee says, "Hanson, you will monitor all of Jonathan's Activity from this Central Command and Control center. You will be able to telepathically communicate with Jonathan at all times through this hologram. Simply tune the transmitter into Jonathan's vibrational frequency and you will have full access to him and his location at all times. Jonathan will give you the cue when to teleport, after he leaves each location. If someone resists coming with you, let it be for now, we never force anyone against their will. This is actually ok, because we need some souls to remain where they are, and spread the light to souls within their communities."
Mercinee then disappears quickly and leaves Hanson sitting among the huge circle of one hundred seats. I then walked into the room and ask Hanson if he understand his new life-long assignment, and he says, "Yes Jonathan, I do, and I am grateful for what you have done for me. Deep down inside I always wished I can turn away from my life as an Assassin, but unfortunately I was born into a family that raised us to become these ruthless killers and work for the Compass Group. I never imagined being converted quite like the way it went, but I don't think anything else would have changed me. Again, thank you for your dedication."
"It is my pleasure Hanson."