VIGILANTE MESSIAH - Incarnation Earth - Chapter THREE (4 of 13)steemCreated with Sketch.

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Chapter 03: The Prison Break

My day in court came quickly and just as I expected, I was found guilty on three counts of first degree murder, and sentenced to die by lethal injection. Somehow they think this is a more civilized way of killing us. I was actually thankful for it, fully knowing the peace that awaits for me on the other side. The jury made their decision before they even came into court. After seeing the media storm clearly point all of the blame on me, I had no chance. I was taken to death row immediately, and cheers echoed the halls as I was congratulated for massacring my family. For some reason they loved seeing another soul ready to join them in death. The stench was inhumane in that place, like a mixture of a urine and body odor concoction, that will cause you to get dizzy and pass out. I finally made it to my cell, four walls of concrete and a door that seals shut at night, with a small window that slides open by day. Food was ridiculous, just a bowl of slop they called house soup. It looked like brown red vomit mixed with balls of mucous, one lovely meal. Many of us decided to eat the cockroaches and water bugs instead.
I spent a total of 10 nights in that cell when suddenly one night I felt a nudge on my back while I was sleeping, there he was standing 8 feet tall in shimmering light, it was the senior angel. He tells me its time to go, and we must leave at once. He hands me a small device with a silver button on it. He tells me to press the button and hold it down, and not let go of the button until he says so.

As soon as I press the button I feel an electrical sensation flood my body. As I look down at my body it appears translucent to me. I then follow the angel right through the walls, past all of the guards, and right through several layers of outer walls and fencing. Each guard looked right at us as if they knew something was there, but were unable to see us at all. I then followed the angel right through the side of a solid rock on a hillside into some interior cavern when he tells me to let go of the button.

I then ask the Angel what this device is for. He tells me, "Jonathan, you are going to need this technologically advanced device on your first early missions until you are gifted with these abilities and are able to do them all on your own. There are two switches on the back of it, one is for changing the resonant vibrational frequency of your body so it can pass through solid objects and become invisible to the human eye. This is what just happened as we escaped the prison. Although you were able to view your body as translucent, all of the guards were unable to see you at all. Now the other switch is far more incredible. If you simply imagine yourself in a certain location, when you hit the button, you will be teleported instantly to that location, body and all."

I then proceed to ask, "What now? Where do I go from here?"

"Your new home has been prepared in an underground cave under Bimini Island near the Bahamas. You will discover the next step to take on your mission once you are inside your new home." Then just as quickly as he appeared to me, he disappeared.

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