VIGILANTE MESSIAH - Incarnation Earth - Chapter TWELVE (13 of 13)steemCreated with Sketch.

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Chapter 12: The Mystery City Rises

Back at home, I was a little too eager to climb into that pyramid shaped ascension chamber. As I had one foot already inside it, the senior angel appears in my room and says, "Jonathan, not yet. Take it easy. Don't be too eager to remove yourself from this plane of existence. Do you not want to see this old city rise again? Are you not curious what the new earth now looks like after all of the amazing work you have achieved?Earth is not a hell hole anymore, and if we ever thought of it that way we would not have worked so hard at saving it."

"Ok, Ok, Sure I would love to see this old city rise in the morning, and see the fruit of my labor."

"Jonathan, are you not wondering what the name of this mystery city is?"
"I have seen documentaries about some people claiming the ancient city of Atlantis is located around Bimini Island, is this the lost city of Atlantis?"

"You're absolutely correct, you knew all along, and so have many others. She is ready to become the capital of earth once again. A new council will reside in this city and keep watch over the planet to keep her in the proper state of consciousness. We can't allow darkness to overtake humanity again."

"I agree, I guess I'll get some rest and observe the great city rising in the morning."
"One last thing, you will speak to the people tomorrow to let them know that you will be watching over them from above. Then you will climb into the ascension chamber where your DNA will be completely changed to the vibrational rate of the celestial realm where we reside. At that moment you will see us exactly as we see you all the time, but your friends on earth will no longer see you in physical form."

First thing in the morning I walked into the old cathedral. As soon as I place my first step into the room it begins to shake, and the lights from the walls begin to emanate as transparent glass. Then I felt the ground lift slowly as the crust of the earth is being pushed through. A spectacular event indeed! Some of the old technological equipment within the cathedral started to turn on by themselves. It took about 12 hours for the continent of Atlantis to fully rise. No life was lost in the Bahama Islands because of the slow gradual rising that warned people to find a stable area to hold onto as the new landscape is formed. After the 12 hours completed more crystals became activated and a new hologram appeared of a woman and a man dressed in white silvery suits. This hologram sent out a signal on the magnetic field of the earth and appeared in every population center around the world. They had a message, "We are from the great continent of Atlantis that existed thousands of years ago on your planet. We knew this day would come when war would be defeated and mankind would wake up to life without it. Sadly our civilization perished because of war, but many of us escaped without harm and evacuated to a nearby solar system to live out the rest of our lives. However we wanted to leave behind a gift to the next awakened civilization that would assist them in rebuilding planet earth. Our gift to you is our technology that we managed to keep intact and hold dormant until it became activated by the level of collective consciousness on earth that raises this great continent. We figured out how to affect the landscapes of planet earth with energized crystals placed thousands of feet below the surface. These crystals are activated by a special trigger that senses the matching consciousness frequency of earth. The seal level drops as the surrounding land rises up from pulling in molten rock into the earth where these crystals are placed. Then the molten rock is cooled and the new landscape becomes permanent until the next major earth cycle begins. We welcome you to your new age of peace, and at anytime you may visit the Grand Cathedral and learn more about your life's purpose in this wonderful universe we are all a part of."

This holographic message sure helped me explain to the world what just happened. After the hologram left I noticed a glowing red crystal, and as I reached out to it a vision of the future many years later after I have long passed on came to me. I saw an underground bunker in southern Switzerland holding the bodies of Francisco Monty and fifteen of his darkest employees from the Compass Group. They were in a time released cryogenic chamber, where they were apparently frozen until a specific time they set it to release them. I was shown that day as Francisco Monty and his crew attempted to attack many souls on earth, but to no avail. The vibrational frequency was so strong on earth now, that their attempts of mind control were powerless. Not one artificial telepathic machine was able to penetrate the new consciousness of earth. They became so frustrated that they decided to send out a strong signal to nearby planets and see if they would get a response. To my astonishment, another world called Sondor from the Andromeda Galaxy was much like earth used to be, and filled with war and hatred. The occupants of Sondor hear the telepathic transmission. What happens now? Will we keep our peace, or find ourselves again struggling with darkness? Perhaps, but for now we will enjoy our season of peace on earth, and teach our people the long forgotten mysteries of creation.

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