RE: To The Educators: You are not making cookies...

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To The Educators: You are not making cookies...

in story •  7 years ago 

yes thats y you are good in other works.. i want to leave and stay away from social media but i can,t do it..

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Well I can tell you that steemit has hindered a lot of my other projects. I spend a ton of time here. Though I can justify it as while I know a lot of things I am by no means wealthy. I actually use earnings from steemit to buy more tools. Then I write posts about using those tools. In my case they are usually game development or art related tools. Sometimes music related. I bought a new guitar and amp in the summer using money I made from steemit. So I can justify the time I spend here. I can't justify time spent on any other social media.

this is great for you and one question can i earn money from steemit easily ???

It takes work. Write articles. Interact with people. If you don't make anything or make very little keep writing. That's what I did. I wrote many posts I loved that literally made $0, but I just kept at it.

i am working hard but i am getting nothing in responce very few people upvote my posts and no one restream them..

It takes time. The key is being genuine. The more you write, the better you get at it. If you try to copy other people you may or may not succeed. I cannot tell you about that as I don't use that method.

I simply write about what is on my mind, and things I am genuinely interested in.

These days anything I write earns something, but that wasn't always the case. I write, and write, and write.

Though I make sure to write about things I am genuinely interested in rather than focusing on what people are likely to vote on.

It might be harder to get noticed now as there are a lot more people and a lot more posts than when I started. I've been here for more than a year.

you are a creative person and i am not like you its very hard for me to write a large blog.. i do write and i am doing my best , i am doing what ever i can

I wasn't always good. You get better with practice. Being creative is something I believe people can get better at as well. That too simply takes process.

It also takes some time to think, observe, and react to things you think and observe.

Thanks for your help...