Ravens & Looking for Signs

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


I am holding a silver feather broach in my hand, a gift that's been handed down in my husbands family. It feel like such an honour to have received it.

I don't often feel attached to objects but this is something special. I keep picking up this broach and holding it - running my fingers along it and reflecting on why this feather means so much to me.

Birds are revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change & freedom. I think that is why I am so strongly drawn to this broach. I am always looking for the meaning in things. Life experiences have taught me that when it comes to feathers and in my case: ravens specifically, I should pay attention.

Strangely enough, as I was writing this and contemplating my connection with this feather and the the raven, I got a call from my son. He had a pretty bad day today - lost his job. Although this is not usually considered a good thing, I'll admit I felt some relief. I have been worried about him lately. The environment he was working in was not healthy. It was not a good place to be. He was being given signs that he should not continue working there but as many of us do, he pushed on anyhow. I think unwilling to be ignored, the raven has spoken. Change, freedom, growth, happiness: these things are calling to my son. I'm just sad that he had to suffer a bad situation before seeing this.

A love for Ravens


Not many people are likely to exclaim that they respect Ravens, but I do. I enjoy their spirited mischief and confident presence. They are quite beautiful to watch while they are in flight. There is also a deep spiritual significance that I've always associated with them. I grow up believing they are the spirits of the first nations peoples ancestors. Although I am not First Nations myself I have always respected the raven because of this. They are recognized as a deeply symbolic creature throughout many cultures across the globe, so there must be something to this right? It's all quite fascinating.

About the Raven

Scallywag & Nuisance

The Raven has quite the reputation as a scallywag and nuisance. They are smart birds with a complex vocabulary. I used to love observing them while they were hanging out on rooftops like a pack of teenagers. One group would sit on one rooftop and another on a rooftop a fair distance away. They would basically spend the afternoon conversing loudly with one another by yelling to each other from across the roof tops. Some people didn't appreciate this but there really isn't much you can do - ravens are protected.

Sneaky and Smart

They are also sneaky (or so they think) and work together. I've had one distract me only to have the other steal food from my shopping cart while I was loading bags into the truck. When you are aware of their antics you can really play with them and turn it into a game. When you scold them and tell them to shoo, they'll sometimes do this strange attempt at mimicking you back. It's really neat.

Signs & Paying Attention

While driving away from my home town towards a bold new chapter in our lives. I was in tears, quite heartbroken really. I was filled with anticipation of the road ahead while also mourning what and who I was leaving behind. I was feeling panicked as the enormity of our decision truly struck me. As we drove, I noticed that every so many miles, a raven would be sitting there on the site of the road. As our vehicle passed, our eyes would meet and the raven would sit and watch us pass. This happened the entire three days of our trip and I found this experience to be very comforting and reassuring. It was as though they were guiding me to our new home. I know a person could chalk this up to "ravens are common by roadsides" but ... for me it was a sign.

I wanted to know what the ravens might have meant to me symbolically on my journey south and I really enjoyed reading this article: "The Raven by Susan Morgan Black" Here's what the article says about raven symbolism:

"Raven is a contrary spirit. On the negative side, Raven represents the profane, the devil, evil spirits, the trickster and thief, war and destruction, death and doom, the void. Yet in many cultures Raven also represents deep magic, the mystery of the unknown, death and transformation, creation, healing, wisdom, protection, and prophecy."

Lore. Mythology, Superstition

Ravens are recognized as a deeply symbolic creature throughout many cultures across the globe. Here are a few of the stories.


The Tower of London

According to the stories that date back to Victorian folk lore It is said that the kingdom will fall if the ravens ever leave the fortress. This tradition of keeping ravens at the tower is still carried on today.

Raven finds the First Men

The Haida tribe tells a tale of how the raven discovered a humans in a shell and then became attached to them. Though a glutton and trickster by nature, he would again and again provide for these creatures he found in the clamshell. In time he would bring them the sun, moon and stars and teach them to fend for themselves and survive. Source

Noah's Ark

Within the Bible, Genesis tells that after the flood waters receded, the raven was the first bird Noah sent out from the ark to find land.

Odin: Ruler of the Gods

In Norse Mythology the Viking god, Odin, had two ravens: Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory). They flew around the world every day and reported back to Odin each night about what they saw.

Throughout our day to day life, I believe that we are often given guidance in the form of a sign or omen. When we are rushing around we are often just too busy to pay attention to the signs we are receiving. When you need clarity, slow down and pay attention. The signs are everywhere. You just have to be willing to listen.

Have you experienced any signs or omens?

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

You can also find me at: walkerland.ca | Facebook

Photo credits: pixabay.com


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Great one walkerland. I too follow animal signs and signs in the environment. I just pulled the Raven in my animal card medicine deck the other day. Love what you write here, it’s so rich. Hawk has been a big one for me over the years, showcasing some powerful signs and omens! Of course, being Wren (original name Lauren, but I shortened and added the W to feel the affinity with my spirit more), I have a great affinity with the winged ones, but also many other animals too ✨🙏

You have the coolest stories! I just looked up the Wren and it's such a lovely bird. From what I have picked up about you, it's a well chosen name. I always felt deeply connected to nature but living on this land seems to have heightened my awareness and appreciation of everything. It's been quite a profound experience.

💚🌿I agree & love that. Saw two ravens after reading and commenting on this post lol- wanted to tell you 😉

i've heard a lot about ravens, yet never took the time to research much of the mythology behind them. they're brave birds & are so smart!

i notice lots of other little things - ladybugs for good luck, finding feathers & pennies to let you know your guides are around you or people who have already passed are sending messages. stuff like that!

Its true, there are so many little messages and signs when we are open to seeing them. I find it so comforting.

Wow, I learned some neat stuff today!
I always enjoyed ravens, but did not know of the significance of them as a symbol, and their role in mythology. Also enjoyed reading how special they are to you personally.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @squishysquid I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

I used to hate crows and ravens because they scared me but now I have a quarter-sleeve tattoo of nine ravens on my arm :)

Wow! That's quite the thing. I'd love to know what changed your mind about Ravens! I have to say that I am kind of envious over your nine ravens, that would be pretty cool. We are having a raven carved into our kitchen cabinets so I'll have to settle for that :)

I'm not sure what changed my mind! Even though I was always scared of them, I recognized that I was always interested in watching them and that said a lot about me so I got the tattoo as a representation of that personality trait!

You obviously have a powerful connection with them. I often wonder if some of our connections are glimmers into past life experiences, or something more mystical. I can't help but think about things in "kooky" not so conventional ways.

We have ravens on our property all the time. I never really thought about it. I will now watch and pay attention. Maybe there is a message there for me.

Thank you for such an informative post.

They are quite fascinating to watch. Couples will stay together to raise the babies. They aren't mates for life but certainly until the offspring leave the nest they are. I don't think it's common for the male birds to stick around and bring food back to the nest so this seems pretty unique... (I'm no expert on birds though - just my observation).

Now I will be watching them more. Thank you for such great information.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We too have ravens sharing our land. They are amazing creatures and quite vocal. We also have crows. They seem to tolerate each other but theirs never a mistake who's in charge. Our ravens are nesting somewhere on the property but I've not found the site yet. (I don't look too hard though)
So is the collective term for ravens "murder" as it is with crows?

I believe so @yulem. I read that term while I was writing this but had never heard it before. In the NWT where I grew up we've got a huge population of ravens and few (if any) crows. They are protected (not sure if this is the case everywhere) and it's illegal to harm them.

I experience signs rather often, but I attribute that to being open to "seeing it as a sign." Plenty of folks could see a raven, or more than one raven, and think "Oh, how nice, a black bird." and others could say, "Could this mean something for me?" I'm the latter. I just love an opportunity to think outside the box!

You've been upvoted + resteemed by the #LadiesofSteemit initiative. Keep up the great work!

I agree completely. You need to be open to seeing signs otherwise this post probably reads like nonsense. I enjoy the feeling of "connectedness" with my surroundings that has grown from listening and looking for signs.

Thanks so much for the support! I appreciate it.

Man, I wish I could find more ravens around here haha, we just got a ton of crows. Close relatives...

Thank you for the lovely mythology post and personal experiences, this is the bomb diggity!

The ravens are such massive birds in comparison to the crow. We moved "south" (when you live in the far north ... everywhere is south) a few years ago and I haven't really seen any ravens here. I miss them. The crows just don't have all that spunk and attitude!

haha whereabouts are you in the south north?

We are in Canada's Maritimes I haven't spotted ravens here yet, just crows. I know they are out there - I hope we find each other again soon!

Me as well, I live in southern BC and havent seen any here, but maybe if I go more up north!

II really badly want to see them and interact with them! Crows are pretty boring yup.

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