The Fox & The Bear. Desciphering Dreams

in story •  6 years ago  (edited)


I've been quiet on steemit lately. I've been having vivid dreams that have taken me into a contemplative state as I work through understanding the messages and meanings behind them. These restless and anxious nights with the same messages repeating over and over have uncomfortably prodded and reignited something within me. This is good. This is an opportunity for self awareness and growth.

The Dream

Every night I encounter a fox and then a bear. I shoot the fox and feel relief for having done so. This isn't characteristic of me at all. I don't understand why I do this. As I shoot the fox a bear strolls out of the woods and follows me into the house. As I stand watching the bear explore the house, it becomes frustrated and sweeps things off of the counters. The bear then turns and looks at me, it's brown eyes are deep and full of meaning. She slashes the door with it's claws and slowly ambles its way back into the woods with its head down.

What is she trying to tell me? I try and discern the meaning of this dream.

When I think of foxes I think: sneaky, conniving, concealment, dishonesty, trickster.

Am I being tricked? Am I concealing things?

When I think of bears I immediately think: protective, powerful, brave, confident,mother.

Does someone need my protection, strength?

I start thinking about where this might be coming from. Why now? There is someone that I've been worrying about a lot. He is causing my heart to ache with concern but I am also angry with him.

We've tried walking on eggshells but that isn't working. We try pandering to his whims to keep the peace but that isn't working. There is so much love given at all times. There has never been any shortage of love and encouragement. Maybe it's time for mama bear to"roar"?

The Fox


A dream about a fox can indicate that you may need to start concealing some of your emotions and be more discrete in certain situations.

The problem is, this is what I tend to do. I am the peace keeper. The one trying to keep harmony and worry about everyone feelings. It isn't working and I feel as though my gentle nature is being taken advantage of. Maybe this is why I kill the fox?

The Peacekeeper - Speak Not

The fox reminds me of a poem that stirs me and also infuriates me because it feels as though this is how I've lived my life: perpetually constrained. I am trying very hard to free myself from these mental constraints. A lot of people like to say "be yourself - what do you have to lose?" but what if you were raised to safeguard your thoughts and keep them silent? What if this is how many people prefer you and life falls apart when you try and change?

It's terribly frightening to start revealing your true raw self to the world.


Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal
the way you dream, the things you feel.
Deep in your spirit let them rise
akin to stars in crystal skies
that set before the night is blurred:
delight in them and speak no word.
How can a heart expression find?
How should another know your mind?
Will he discern what quickens you?
A thought once uttered is untrue.
Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred:
drink at the source and speak no word.
Live in your inner self alone
within your soul a world has grown,
the magic of veiled thoughts that might
be blinded by the outer light,
drowned in the noise of day, unheard…
take in their song and speak no word.
Written by Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1830) translation by Vladimir Nabokov

This brings us to the bold, confident and protective bear. What was she telling me?

The Bear

bear-1992056_960_720.jpg credit

A dream about a bear can indicate that you are aware of your power but sometimes hide it from others. This is true. People prefer my soft and gentle over my strong and forceful - even I prefer it. I suppress too much inside though.

Be The Bear Charlotte, Be The Bear. I work up courage and pick up the phone.

I tried being a bear on the telephone yesterday but It turns out that I am not a very good bear. I ended up crying, something that happens to me when I am sad, mad, furious. He knows how to play me like a fiddle that kid. He knows all my weaknesses. Strong emotions inevitably lead to tears with me. It's a strange affliction that I am unable to control.

I think I've caused more obstinate, stubborn resistance to hearing and seeing than what had been there before. Add distance to this which I can feel deeply like a brick wall in front of me. I feel like a failure. This makes me want to step back and be gentle and quiet (what he wants) but I think he needs a stronger voice even if he does not want it. My husband is encouraging me to roar. I've got support.

I am listening to these visitors in the night. I am trying to understand. I am trying to change for the better.

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland


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Wow powerful!!!

A lot of people like to say "be yourself - what do you have to lose?" but what if you were raised to safeguard your thoughts and keep them silent? What if this is how many people prefer you and life falls apart when you try and change?

I had an initial impression as I pay attention to dreams too and my intuition. As I read your post, I realized you already have got the message! It’s just up to you to be it! I know you got this. The @walkerland I know is the strong mama bear spirit; I can see you shining from here. 😘

Edit: I wanted to share my impression. To me the fox is your natural wild impulse. wily, cunning and pure instinct. The fact that you shot it means your killing off or shooting this aspect of yourself. The bear is your wild strong impulse, ever seeing, wise, all knowing strength of the forest. She comes and sweeps everything away~ the false pretenses clouding up your counters... or the everyday stuff of your house.

What a blessed dream! Shaking and rocking Dream! I always feel honored when wild animals visit me for they speak firmly and into the deepest aspects of self. This is one to not be ignored! You are meant to speak and act and let your wild parts out!! Don’t be afraid, act! You’ll feel your power move through you and in this case, it’s for the best. Free yourself of your conditioning through this situation!! Whew a big one but you got it! Trust your wild within!!!

Thank you for the encouragement and insights. It really means a lot to me. It's a strange thing. One moment I feel exactly what I need to do and the next I am clouded by a sea of emotions and thoughts. I think I am a little bit afraid to act. I'll get there. Thank you for everything you have said and the intentions that come with it. I needed to hear this.

💙totally hear you on the clear/clouded aspects. I have some things like this in my life too right now. I think that’s partly what makes stuff like this so hard. That, and also stepping into new aspects of self or change! At least for me 💙 we got this! It will get clear when it gets clear

Sometimes we need to be the bear even it is not natural for us. These dreams are speaking loudly to you. Listen. Your inner spirit knows what it needs to do. You have strength and support. Do what needs to be done.

Thank you. Your words are true and give me strength!

I really wish I could just invite you over for coffee and commiseration right now. I can relate to practically everything you wrote, minus the dream. Being the repressed peacemaker, crying when full of emotion (OMG I HATE IT), feeling taken advantage of, worrying how people will take it if you're more honest and upfront. All of it.

Maybe you're supposed to combine the best of both the fox and bear? I'd say being the fox means setting boundaries, and being the bear means sticking to them? And you feel relief at shooting the fox because creating boundaries is uncomfortable, but the bear is frustrated over not having a reason to show its strength? Who am I to interpret somebody else's dream when I don't even have all the details--that's just my two cents from the outside perspective.

I pray you find the meaning you seek, and get peace from it :) (((hugs)))

Sometimes I feel like we've met before ...there are so many synchronicities wove in the fabric of our stories. Thank you for sharing, commiserating and for the hug. I needed it today! I appreciate your analysis and insights. It helped me gain some more clarity on this matter.

I'm glad! I hope everything straightens out for the best, and soon <3

I'm much the same, being the bear, and getting so frustrated/angry/upset I end up crying. I don't try to hide how I feel, but do seek to be calmer more consistently. My son also knows how to push buttons, but I've gotten better about reacting to that.

My sister tells me I've been very independent and strong minded since childhood. I was going to do what I was going to do. She admired that but could not emulate it as she was the peacemaker and still is. She speaks often of this so I can see how you also feel constrained.

I was always different, and came to, if not revel, at least feel a bit of pride in who I was. I early on learned trying to be what others wanted wasn't somebody I wanted to be.

Hope you can balance your bear and fox and come to peace with who you are and express her.

@goldenoakfarm I really appreciate your insights and opening up with your own story. Thank you. It means a lot to me and I found your words very helpful. ❤