Steemit Slam Story Challenge 1: 140 Characters Or Less

in story •  8 years ago 

The princess whispered her message in the ear of her carrier bird. It was the colour blue, could travel across the world and could relay a message, up to 140 characters, with great accuracy. When she was finished whispering her message, she released the bird from her hands. It took flight, leaving from the castle window and soared east over the green fields below it.

After a two day journey, the bird landed at its location: a small house that was owned by a man named Frederick. Frederick wasn't rich. Or classy. But he was tough. And a very attractive young man. All the maidens desired him but only one had made herself known. The princess's sister. But his eyes were on the princess herself. Her hair the colour of maple. Her eyes a clear blue that bathed him with a gentle stare. And her smile. But Frederick knew it was not wise to approach a princess, especially when her sister held his fancy. So that was who he was to marry.

The bird landed in the window sil before him. Right away he knew who it belonged to. It had the princess's royal crest. He leaned in to hear the message. His could not believe what he was hearing. He petted the bird to get it to repeat the message. Yes, those were the words he heard. Frederick opened his mouth to deliver a message but then decided against it. This was a message he wanted to deliver in person. He packed up enough goods for the journey, mounted his horse and made his way with the help of the moonlight.

The doors to the throne room burst open. Frederick stood in the door frame. There were men and women from around the country. Dignified individuals with land and title. Frederick ignored them. He walked up to where the princess and her sister were seated.

"Frederick?" her sister said with a surprised smile. "You came all this way."

"I did and I have something improtant to say... to the princess... I got your message me lady and yes I will be yours... how I dreamt of this day."

"Frederick," the princess said, "maybe we should have this conversation in private."

"I don't care who knows it. Let the world hear my heart as it beats for you. We can spend the rest of our lives together. I know how your sister felt but I cannot deny how I feel for you. She was not the one I wanted. You are. And now that I you feel the same way."

"Frederick... I don't feel the same way."

"But your message that you sent, from your bird. I remember it word for word. 'Frederick you are a strong, viral man. There is someone who admires you greatly in the castle, come and give your hand to the kind princess' "

"Yes... the kind princess's sister... did you not get the last part."

"No..." Frederick said as he looked around the room.

"You knew she had feelings for you."

"Yes but, why would you write in third person."

The princess only shrugged. Frederick looked at her sister. He tried to give an apologetic look. The guards gathered around him.

Frederick made a swift exit. 


This is my first entry for the #ssschallenge. Thanks to @prufarchy for running it :).

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