Emlys and the Mirror (Part 8)

in story •  7 years ago 

The following morning, Emlys woke up before cock crow to start the day's work. Soon he was in the Prince's room. Sir, it is time to rise and shine.

The Prince opened one eye, what madness has seized you, to make you cut short so sweet a royal dream? you must be punished for this! but first get me cold water for a cold bath, you idiot! Emlys did as instructed.


What? cold water? Prince Lancelot yelled when he felt the water. "On so cold a morning? you must be off your head! now, get me warm water, you idiot!
Emyls did as instructed.

After breakfast the Prince went horse riding, giving Emlys the opportunity to do a better job of his chores, which he hoped would keep the Prince from shouting and screaming.

But no sooner had the Prince returned than he screamed for Emlys to accompany him to Guhara stream for about of swimming. Emlys did not altogether mind this screaming, for he was excited about going to the royal stream for a swim.

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the prince's cute story, i like
