the smart and the inert is sister sister twin but different terms of demeanor and intelligence sense. they are only two sister simple and has no sister sister the other. the ingenious is Abang born a few minutes the beginning of the inert. brother the ingenious given name Rafiq and the inert named raqib. indahkan their name. but, the more they mature, the name of a beautiful given not in use made by the family and friend-a friend. all the more space call couple twin by the name of the ingenious and the inert. during their infancy, as early as the age of 10 months, the ingenious already clever running when the inert, still again lie face downward. a crawl was not good at again. stepping on to the age of 5 years, the ingenious already clever read and thought. the inert well, let alone reading the book was hold the upside down again. started of daily life, learning and Association with a friend-friend, the inert always miss away from his brother the ingenious. because that is, mother and father stage raqib by the name of the inert and his brother Rafiq with the title of the ingenious because it intelligence minds that pass over the age of childhood peers. the inert despite the age of nine years, still not good at read and not jaunty with a friend-friend class. the school has put the inert in the class typical for a child that need to be given more attention and how to learning a different little versus childhood normal the other. although the inert slow of all terms, but he is very good at mengaji. God give the advantages to the inert for easy to know the verses of God. caused always marginalized by both mother father and his brother, the inert always fill his time with mengaji Quran and remembrance. the inert also diligent prayer berjemaah in mosque not far from his home. behind the mosque after isyak, selalunya the inert will legged chicken because it seliparnya already disorokkan by his brother and Buddy-Buddy his brother all. the ingenious prefer melepak in front of the mosque with two three his friends and as good as simple Jemaah mosque finished fulfill prayer, they will menyorokkan selipar the inert in longkang. at first, the inert will seek seliparnya in evenly average place; around the mosque, in front of the House of people, on top of the principal, but gradually the inert let simple. already lazy mahu looking for. days seliparnya will be lost and when he got home with legged chicken, his mother also will menengking the inert. selalunya selipar the inert there will be at the front door House initially the next day. "woi inert! co son behind the chicken legs again to? later mother rattan again feet co to berbirat. paddan advance! hahahahaha," nudity the ingenious gelakkan his sister. coupled with laughter from a friend-friend the ingenious. "why Abang like very sorokkan selipar sister. Abang divide behind selipar sister. sister taknak mother rattan sister again day this. kesian mother always crying because sister," the inert that sememangnya kind, not the slightest angry his brother. he just Badger style as slaves six-year-old although its age was also mencecah nine years. "co go find themselves selipar co. next time take care of La really! beautiful Yeah I look at each morning selipar co Kat front of the House. should Yeah that co looking back," there is no bit too sympathy in the heart of the ingenious. he left his sister in front of the mosque and pedaling basikalnya go. "AIK! not brother to which lies behind the front of House days," the inert bermonolog a self while walking home. he has no bike like his brother. his father's just bought a bike to the ingenious because it is always got the first place in the class. not simple in the class but to overall degrees three, the ingenious sentiasa are in ranking the top. but the inert never complained if not presented bike like his brother because he sorry family more than property world although services received unlike the ingenious. as expected, until the simple at home, his mother cane the foot of the inert and cussing hamun his son was that are not completely bothersome his life. "you this inert! can not to you keep chic-chic selipar you that. with the foot of dirty kinds of this you back home. this until feet you bleed this why ?? go flush feet that first! i'm tired know not take care of you! can not to you this participate in a wide brother of you," cried the inert at the foot of his mother. many times he apologized. not once he complained on his mother all applicable is because it the ingenious who like to make onar. "mother, sister mintak sorry mother. forgive sister. sister promise not create again. mother do not at sister again Ye. pain," teresak-esak the inert at the foot of his mother. his father was watching television, not the slightest pay attention flirt and crying the inert. the inert with legs terhencut-hencut due to hit was rise to the top level and lying on the katil ago asleep with tears that have been dry on the edge of the eye and his cheeks. tread legs bloody terpijak glass as home earlier, left to dry so the next day. since from that day, the inert no longer go to the mosque to prayer berjemaah. he's just a prayer at home simple and every time spare he will be used to mengaji. he did not mahu again lukakan heart mother and father. in fact, lost selipar the inert not berpunca from him. attitude both parents the exanimate, brother of the ingenious and also the people around it never changed. sehinggalah age step to 12 years, he still longer receive the same service from experts his family. services the ingenious to it every day the extreme. beg school out torn cut out by his brother. not enough with it, his books soaked in baldi water and clothes school dyed with dyes. every day mother and father will scold the inert because it like merosakkan goods own. not so far ditengking, exhausted berbirat behind the body of the inert hit by both mother and father. walhal, all that is the actions of the dodgy. even though the ingenious this a wise in terms of learning but his attitude not change as people superficial sense. although out goods the inert dirosakkan by the ingenious, the inert juice begnya stitched at first, his books dried back and his stuff that bersepah has dikemaskan originally the next day. the inert at first taste rather hairan. hell who kindly repack his stuff. However, after a few years experience experience nearly as before, the inert not mahu take dizziness. in the evening, being his mother cooking in the kitchen, the inert hugging waist her from behind. mother surprised, continue to dismiss the the hands of the inert. "mother, sister never a sense of mother hug sister. divide sister opportunities hug mother's. later when sister dah no, you must be lonely sitting home alone-alone," the inert big smile so that appeared teeth composed beautiful. "don't son invent ngadalah inert. go front seats there. do not screwed mother son Cook," refuse the inert far out the kitchen. "mother, ranging from day this, mother do not call sister inert again. call sister or raqib. the beautiful name mother and father for near sister," the inert still again tersengih-sengih see her mother cooking from outside the kitchen door. melihatkan his mother who do not mengendahkan slightest request, he passed to the living room, connect mengaji and remembrance. every time the inert mengaji, certainly there will be 'the sound' that mengikutnya mengaji together. caused is often heard 'the sound' such, the inert create not endah simple. finished mengaji, the inert rise to the top level headed to biliknya. the inert self-cleaning and fulfill prayer zohor. on the mat sejadah already shabby because it has been many not change the new, the inert fence hand pray for the welfare of his family. ill-health good to mother, father and his brother and dikurniakan happiness in the world and also in the hereafter. Noble really the hearts of this. glory his heart not seen by expert family just looked outcomes their children. the ingenious that luarannya wise and berkebolehan paced serbi but covered with a heart dark. a different away with the inert. experts family as if not grateful for Grace dikurniakan by God that. they should not receive the weakness of existing on the away the inert nor appear excess the inert a no self-small children in the present a more negligent with keseronokan worldly. the inert that sentiasa marginalized and not diendahkan by mother, father and his brother, finally di'pulang'kan back to the creator of the ESA. he breathed his breath of the last in the state of being Lena sleep. it is easy to the inert go facing the divine. his face quiet as had no problems and as happy people simple during his death. lips sentiasa wet with verses Holy God look redness and smiled as still longer animate. eyes sentiasa view a case-case both during his death sealed without any load. hands sentiasa utter beautiful prayer-beautiful to his family, tersangatlah soft if bathed. the maintenance of the body of the inert dipermudahkan by God s.w.t up and running smoothly without any defects shame. throughout the body of the inert brought to Burrows Datu, cloud March on the head as if the umbrella great overarching people who manage his body. mother and father was in the land Cemetery not the slightest exude tears and look grieving above pemergian the inert. their faces menzahirkan relief because it the inert they think of as a load, now 'go' and will not be back again. the ingenious that sememangnya never sorry twin the fierce bergelak laugh with a friend-rakannya outside the fence land Cemetery. days duly spent by reading Surah Yasin to the spirit of his sister is used to happy with a friend-rakannya. after all affairs burial, three of them live as usual. coercing with the absence of the inert, their life would be more safe and happy. However, in contrast applicable. their homes that during the invisible 'bright' and ber'cahaya 'because it reading the qur'an that dialunkan by the inert every day, now look bleak and dark. occupants sentiasa are in a state that is not a quiet and tasteless rimas if stay in the House. week after the death of the inert, his mother cooking in the kitchen like habits. when cooking, his mother always pay a call to the living room where the inert always sitting cross-legged mengaji and remembrance. suddenly he taste sebak. once he did not aware, child special it always accompanied him at home in when her husband busy working when the ingenious too busy to play with a friend-rakannya in the Park. once also he did not aware, child special it diligent standing in the kitchen door chattering relentless him while he never bring out every story delivered the inert. unexpectedly, tears mother flowing. hands wiping the rate of tears flowing in cheek. he leaned themselves in the kitchen Cabinet looking down. suddenly he missed Babble the inert. suddenly he missed the strains of voice the inert mengaji in the living room. suddenly he missed the inert that sentiasa light bone help in the kitchen although driven out of it several times. every time the inert bring dish Rice to the table, certainly there will be a dish broken. therefore, he always scold the inert and told him to sit outside of the troublesome him. but the new now he conscious, child special it apparently penyeri her during this time. child special considered inert and stupid that's what many help him at home. sedimented him in the kitchen while calling the name of the inert. he recalled verses speech delivered the inert three weeks off. "mother, sister never a sense of mother hug sister. divide sister opportunities hug mother's. later when sister dah no, you must be lonely sitting home alone-alone," true said inert. silence was already dirasai. mother of the inert ran rise to the top level headed to the booth the inert ago hugging bed pillows his son. seen veil and pillow cases the inert are his shoes Blue and patterned cartoon Mickey mouse but has faded color and in such a cartoon also been lost. new he conscious, since he bought katil to the inert during the age of six years, cadarnya never Exchange change. he also never even get into the booth the inert look goods the purposes of the inert same there is sufficient or not. pillow kekabu the inert also lemon like don't have anything pillow in the pillow cases the. child this special never merungut like his brother the ingenious almost every month Exchange veil. "forgive mother, sister. lot of sin mother on brother. Yes God, you tempatkanlah my son is among your servants beloved and commendable. 12 years you lend child this special to US, not the least we appreciate Grace you provide. large really sin I on raqib. child mother rehatlah quietly. conference in heaven later love." semahu-mahunya mother of the inert crying and weep lose the inert. if regret this menjengah the beginning of formerly again, definitely his mother can be embraced the inert heart's content in the burial the inert. in fact, during the life of the inert, God hantarkan' someone 'to protect. seliparnya missing, begnya the torn, clothes school wet, all diperbetulkan and repaired originally by' someone '. not seen using the eyes of rough not meaningful he did not form. have the clean heart and properties commendable so that we sentiasa protected by him. "know the real in the human body there plume of meat, if good meat was then let the entire human body, and if bad meat that it will buruklah entire human body. and know that the meat is heart". Hadith history Bukhari and Muslims. be like raqib having a clean heart, there is no celanya. do not so as Rafiq that have a heart dark, solid black in color.