~ The story of the Moon and the Sun ~ An impossible love...

in story •  7 years ago 

Long before God decided to create the world, Sol, a beautiful young man with golden hair and riding a brisk hair, observed in the distance a beautiful and mysterious woman named Luna, with very white skin and a beautiful black hair, leaving He immediately fell in love with such an ardent form, as he could only be able to feel a star made of fire as he was.

"That was the beginning of a passionate and intense romance between these two stars condemned to live a forbidden love."

One fateful day, God called them to his presence. I informed them very seriously, that I was creating the world and that I had assigned them some very important functions that I was sure they would fully comply with.


God decided that the SUN would illuminate the day and that the MOON would illuminate the night and for that reason they would be forced to live apart. Both were invaded by a great sadness and when they realized that they would never meet again ...

The MOON was staying more and more sad. Despite the brightness given by God, she felt alone. The SUN, in turn, had won a title of nobility "ASTRO REY" but that did not make him happy either.

God seeing this he called them and explained:

You, LUNA, will illuminate the cold and hot nights, you will charm the lovers and you will frequently be the protagonist of beautiful poems. Your SUN, you will keep that title because you will be the most important of the stars, illuminate the Earth during the day, you will give warmth to the human being and only that will make people happier.

The saddest MOON put on that cruel fate and wept bitterly and the SUN, seeing her so sad, decided that she could not be weak, since she had to give her strength and help her accept what God had decided.

Even so, he was so worried that he decided to ask God for something:

Lord, help the MOON, it is more fragile, it will not stand loneliness ...

"And God ... in his great compassion ... he created the stars to keep the beautiful LUNA company."

The LUNA whenever it is very sad resorts to the stars who do everything to comfort her, but almost never achieve it.

Today both live like this ... separated, the Sun pretends that it is happy, and the MOON can not hide its sadness.
The SUN burns with passion for her and she lives in the darkness of her grief.

They say that the order of God was that the MOON should always be full and luminous, but it did not succeed ... because it is a woman and a woman has phases ... When it is happy, it gets full, but when it is unhappy it is waning, it is not even possible to appreciate its brightness.

LUNA and SOL continue on their way. The lonely but strong and she, accompanied by the stars, but weak.

Men constantly try to conquer it, as if that were possible. Some have even gone to her, but have always returned alone. No one has ever managed to bring it to earth, no one has really managed to conquer it no matter how hard they tried.

It happens that God decided that no love in this world was really impossible, not even that of the MOON and the SUN ... it was at that moment when He created the Eclipse. Today SOL and LUNA are waiting for that moment, those moments that were granted and that cost so much to happen.

When you look at the sky, from now on and you see that the SUN covers the MOON, it is because the SUN lies on it and they begin to love each other. It is that act of love that was given the name of Eclipse.

It is important to remember that the brightness of your ecstasy is so great that it is advised not to look at the sky at that moment, your eyes can be blinded by seeing so much love.

time you know ... this is the beautiful story of the SUN and the beautiful LUNA, that story that was layers of bristling your body to think that it can be your love story ... No love is impossible.

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Mi esposo ama la romántica historia del amor entre el sol y la luna. En cuestiones del corazón, el final es impredecible. Saludos ; )

Saludos @yume1, visitandote en tu blog

Saludos @yume1, the love between the moon and the sun

Omg this is beautiful! I feel so stupid though because I was writing my own story before I saw this and it had the same characters with the same names, I love the name Luna, and I didn't think to check whether anyone else had had the same idea. Sorry! I love this though it's so imaginative. I haven't shared what I wrote with anyone so I hope it won't be counted as copywrite or something... Sorry, again.