There they were, two dragons, looking at one another with their deep dragon sight that no one could keep away from. It felt like being scrutinised for every possible discrepancy to what the DNA told should be there. Anything tucked away was seen under the burning gaze of the dragon and now they were two, looking at one another, but dragons are dragons and their scales are such that dragon glaring doesn’t go through. They were fierce, in the way dragons are, but not dangerous, or at least not if they weren’t threatened. They just lay there, being, both as strong and powerful as the other. They didn’t have discrepancies, because they were dragons and dragons are absolutely true to their own nature. Anything seeming to be a discrepancy was just a dragon trait and belonged there with them.
It wasn’t a challenge between the dragons, they weren’t enemies, they were on the same side, since they were dragons. Dragons don’t fight other dragons. They just hold what belongs in their nature, what they find true. Some people though tried playing dragons. They weren’t really, because dragons are true. They were just out-dated dinosaurs, whose time on earth had long passed it’s best before date. Not true, not valid, not important.
Slowly they moved forward, pushing their legs forward, making sure to not step on any humans. They didn’t like the feeling of squashed humans under their feet. They had sensitive feet and an emotional inside, but that you would never believe looking at their fierce outside. They also didn’t like hurting people unnecessarily. It wasn’t their task to hurt anyone. It was their task to uphold the order of things. To keep a lookout for the bigger picture and make sure it was all in order. Having woken up in the same place at the same time made these two share the same mind, share the same thought, knowing what the other intended. They acted as one being holding two bodies and as such held a power not seen awake and alive on earth for ever so long. They had not crawled out of a cave. They had crawled out of a hidden valley, behind the veil of forgetfulness.
They sat up, both of them, looking like temple lions on a Chinese temple. They were holding the gateway for the other dragons to appear. They made up the portal to the other world, where more dragons, like they, had kept vigilance from afar for so long.
People around them could see how they weren’t observing them anymore. It was as if the people were no longer important. Instead they were looking up, up to the skies. At first the humans didn’t know what they were looking for, or at, but as they came closer they realised the sky was filling up with more and more dragons. Where did they come from? Dragons didn’t really exist! Some humans ran to hide, knowing still that it was futile. You cannot hide from that many dragons. They didn’t dare admitting to a world holding more than they could ever have imagined, that they could ever imagine. Everything was changing. The world that had been predictable for so long, suddenly was not. Some didn’t want to be there anymore and stepped out right in front of the dragons that were landing, awaiting them to breathe fire onto them. It was their attempt to release themselves from a pain too great of living in a world they could not understand, but the fire the dragons breathed out wasn’t lethal to anything but their beliefs. It purified them of all what did not belong and they stood there with a yet again ignited flame of a true spirit of the heart and you could see how a new fire was burning in their eyes. They had been baptised by a dragon and received the breath of the dragon. Their spirits were yet alive and they became holders of their own truth again.
The whole plane was now covered in dragons having landed. Many tried hiding, but they came up to the houses and gently and carefully bit the roof tops off, pulling the beds up with the claws, making sure those hiding underneath would not be hurt. No one not being there would ever believe just how gentle a dragon could be, since they looked so fierce. On those most scared they just breathed gently, with no fire and a puff filled with love and care embraced them, making them look up, wondering why they weren’t already dead. When they then met the same caring love in the eye of the dragon they stood up, with a surprised look in their faces and let themselves fully be immersed in that same breathe again, but of a a greater strength. Everything started turning around them. It was as being free floating in a universe made up by love. Who were these dragons? Where did they come from? Why had they always been told dragons were evil, when they held so much love and care?
People were getting angry, by all the lies, but the breath that kept around them as they walked, made them gentle instead, and they helped one another up, not blaming others for having told them lies, but instead telling, "It wasn’t true, it wasn’t true, it wasn’t true," and all knew what instead was the truth.
First published July 1, 2015.
© Yvonne Rosenlund