in story •  7 years ago 

"Helloo! Hellooo!!! Is any one out there? Coz I'm in heeerree." Elena cried out the words that sounded like a sing-song anytime she said them now. It wasn't like she was expecting any reply in return. No. Most probably, just like the months before today, no one would reply. Well- except the rest of her clan with whom she was in this cave. This cave that had become their sanctuary, even before the war broke out massively.

"Elenaaa! Stop it! You know no one would answer. You keep doing that every damned time and I wonder how come you haven't given up yet. The only ones that know we are here are Pops and the other soldiers from our clan. When the time is right, they'll come for us. You could draw the enemy that way you know." Brielle's voice held not the slightest hint of anger or even irritation. It was why she loved her older sister. Ever patient, ever kind. But just like her, Brielle knew what no one was willing to voice out. She knew that the soldiers of their clan, Uhulu could be as good as dead by now. The cave may be far away, situated where the war would not reach them. Even more so, they were deep down in the lowest trenches. In the warmth of the earth where they had everything they could possibly need. Still, they heard the sounds. The cries. The shots. The blasts. They felt the heat too and sometimes when Elena closed her eyes, she saw the death.


It was her gift. But she liked to think of it as a curse. The only blessing that had come with it was being able to foresee evil that had been averted in the nick of time. Unfortunately, even though she had seen the war, right from when she was two and could talk, could understand that the nightmares that plagued her were sight- back, present and fore- there had been nothing to do to avert this war. Her father, the superintendent of their clan knew this.

He always told her-"Elena, sometimes, war must be fought for peace to be won. This war will happen for we cannot continue like this. One day, the clans will revolt against Garsturd and blood will flood the streets. This is what you see, I know. And I am sorry I cannot take this burden away from you. I would in a heartbeat. But this war, whether today or in ten years time, or in hundred years time, it will be fought. And we can only but prepare."

Unfortunately, the war had not happen after she was old, gray and gone as she had hoped. It had started when she was 16. Now, she was 18. Two years they have been in this cave, some of their clan soldiers, only returning every four months or so. She had not seen her mother in 6 months. Her father, in eight. Her brother, Renold had been here about two months ago. With her cousins and other unrelated members of the clan who had been sent as delegates for their families. She missed them, terribly.


This cave had become home. Electricity, water, food, clothing, beds, they had it all. The refuge have been in the clan for centuries. And when her sight had become stronger, more frequent, more work had been done to turn it into what it was now. In total, they were about 268 people here- 13 families. Children, wives. Men and boys that were not born fighters but with other gifts that were just as amazing. Some soldiers like Elena had stayed back to protect their refuge, what was left of their clan and while she felt honored to be here, she would rather be at the battle field with other soldiers of their clan. She was a special case. While most were born with one or two gifts, Elena had been born with four. It was why her father and Chief had refused her from joining the war. She was too valuable to be lost. Too valuable. It angered her, everyday.

Her mother, Ariana was a healer and a fighter. Her father, Brigard was a fighter too. The best one at that. A born soldier leader who was also a soul soother. Brigard could make a friend of any enemy. Soothe your anguish. Take away your pain. An unlikely gift for a man, but he bore it with pride. She was a blocker... Gifts did not work on her and that was why her father could not take her pain away. Renold was a fighter and an intellect. He helped a lot with war tactics. Brielle, was only a healer, however, she was one of the best and it also helped that she had a good dose of her father's soul soothing. She would grow to be the Clan Mother some day. It was why Chief Zulu and her father had arranged her marriage to Prince Kazu. As the stars would have it, the two had fallen hopelessly in love and after the war was over, they would marry.

After the war was over... There was so much to look forward to after the war. The sun, the moon, fresh air, a new world. The clan mother, Queen Zara, a soul soother and intellect tried her best to keep the calm in the caves. But Elena had the sight, so she could see the tired lines, the stress, perfectly hidden. She knew Queen Zara was tired too. Feared for her husband and sons at war. Feared for all the other members of her clan that would not make it back. She too willed the war to be over. Was looking forward to it but they must wait. For war had to be fought, before peace would be won. So much. So much would be lost but at least, Garsturd will be destroyed. Then, their universe shall be restored to sanity. Only then.


"Brielle. I'll go train. The war is going as it should. We will win this." It was as much as her sight showed her these days. Nameless faces, falling. Blood. Pain. So much. Too much. Brielle held her hands, knowing that the life her sister lived was a terrible one. Others had the sight but only one of the three. Also, only about five were born every two centuries, who had the sight to see evil. For Elena, it was too much a burden. But she had survived 18 years and she would survive more.

As she passed by Queen Zara, she gave a slight bow of her head and the woman smiled sadly in return. Elena was used to the pity. Everyone wished they could help her. The stars must have had it in for her, for they had to make her a blocker too. Help could not been done. So it wasn't the pity that made Elena's heart ache. It was the smile. And those eyes. They reminded her too much of Ceric, the Queen's cousin. Her childhood friend, the boy who was growing into a man she loved. A man who if he died in this war, would never know. She saw it just before it happened. The crash. The smoke. The pain. She smelled the fear. Then she heard it. And before she could think, her legs were already running, fighter in her, out.

Thanks for joining us in Episode one.

Want to find out about Gasturd? Are you curious about Elena's universe? Her family? Then stay tuned for the next episode as we continue telling Elena's story.

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Am staying glued to this story, sometimes it's a bleesing to have a gift, at another time it becomes a curse.
Being able to see the future isn't an avenue to avert it, some were warning, some were constant incident in life.
I love the perception of Elles father, dreams sometimes must come true.

Exactly, thanks for loving the story, do stay glued

Wow this was intriguing, it seems to be a combination of African and non africans, names like zulu and Brielle portray that, well i enjoyed its fiction, good one keep it up @zizymena

Thank you so much @emmanueladam91. Come around for episode 2

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