"No Featherweight" - A Story in 50 Words

in storyinfiftywords •  6 years ago 


Skipping breakfast was a mistake. Skipping lunch then working out was an even bigger one. Black dots clouded the periphery of her vision and she could feel her body drift as the wind blew. If they wanted to hire the thinner actress, so be it. Those twenty pounds were staying.

One of the best things about working out (to me at least) is feeling your body get stronger. That takes calories and it doesn't always leave you with a super-skinny body. My conspiracy theory is that pop culture purposefully switches up what's 'desirable' in the female form every now and then so as many women as possible can experience low self esteem. Everyone gets a turn if you wait long enough but the trick is to never buy into it so deeply that you lose sight of your intrinsic worth as a human being.

The random word I based this story on was 'drift'.

Steem on (and love yourselves) ☮️❤️☮️

Image sourced from pixabay.com

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Don’t know how you do it in 50 every time...artful!

Thanks, but at least some of that praise should go to my word counter 😄!

Modesty doesn’t suit you...a sculptor doesn’t credit their chisel, nor a painter their paintbrush.

I don't know if I'd call it modesty. I love writing these but writing to a word limit comes pretty naturally to me so I don't often stop to think about it as a skill or talent.