One of my friends from the complex here and I had
An "Outing" today, first to my Post Office, then using
Joseph E Boone st (just before it changes name to
Ivan Allen Drive and continues into
Down Town Atlanta,) we passed this wall, which had until
Now, been bland brick. Now there was art painted along
Its length, which... well you'll see.
Plus some amusing text subtitles, and amusing
Commentary by my friend.
An "Outing" today, first to my Post Office, then using
Joseph E Boone st (just before it changes name to
Ivan Allen Drive and continues into
Down Town Atlanta,) we passed this wall, which had until
Now, been bland brick. Now there was art painted along
Its length, which... well you'll see.
Plus some amusing text subtitles, and amusing
Commentary by my friend.
Back to our complex, but not before
Running into some more street excitement, for which I have
Photos, but that will wait for another day.

Street Art Atlanta
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks