calm and content people

in strong •  8 years ago 

You know those people who seem so content all the time? The quiet ones who never complain or express their discomfort? When you're going crazy, you wish you had the level of calmness they had? Well, let me tell you something. Just because they don't complain, it doesn't mean that they have nothing to complain about. They most likely don't want to burden you with their thoughts. They probably feel like their thoughts aren't worthy enough of being expressed. Just because they don't express their discomfort, it doesn't mean that they're always comfortable. They most likely are so humble, to the point that they keep reminding themselves of how much worse things could be, so they take time to be grateful for their present condition. They are not weak just because they're quiet. They are strong because in midst of the worst times that they're going through, they choose not to project their stress on others. Next time you see one of them, try to learn from them before you assume that they don't have any worries or struggles.

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