Genres of Literature Most Popular With the Students

in student •  5 years ago 

As a college student, I decided to major in literature because I thought it was fascinating. However, it was not as easy as I thought it would be; I had to pay someone to write my review assignments once in a while. Literature has a lot to do with reading and writing, and at times, it can be quite overwhelming.

In this modern era, studying literature has become easier, thanks to the internet. With online help, you can find someone to write literature review for you at an affordable cost. You can also get a lot of useful information and guidelines on how to write a perfect literature review.

Genres of Literature Read by Modern Students

The most fascinating thing about literature is that everyone has a different taste when it comes to choosing a genre to explore. We, therefore, cannot single out a specific genre that is loved by all literature scholars. We shall look at a list of the most common genres of literature read by modern students.

  1. Poetry
    This is one of the oldest and most fascinating types of literature that interests many students. Poetry is all about rhymes and often, poems carry a hidden message. They can be used to communicate anything ranging from love, history, culture, societal problems, name it. People use poetry to express their feelings.
    Songs also fall under this category because of all the rhyming involved. Just like poems, songs can be about any subject and can be used to pass information or express personal feelings.

  2. Fiction
    This is a rather common genre, especially in the modern era. Fictions are stories that are not entirely based on a real-life situation. However, these stories often have a moral teaching, political criticism, reflection on humanity, or social commentary.

  3. Comic books and graphic novels
    It is among the newest forms of literature popular among students, especially in high school. In this category, images play a crucial role in telling the story in the novel. The fact that they are interesting to read and easy to follow through makes them a suitable way of nurturing the reading culture in children.

  4. Media
    Media literature can be further classified into read and watch media. Read media includes billboards, newspapers, magazines, and websites. On the other hand, watch media includes films and movies. The media genre mostly educates and entertains its target audience.

  5. Non-fiction
    In college, most students are required to write scientific papers, personal essays, autobiographies and papers that are meant to educate the reader. All these types of writing are non-fictional and are common to all education levels today.
    In this modern era, there are very many online writing services that help students with this type of literature. Most learners opt to pay someone or a service to help them work on these assignments. The online writing service platforms help you in writing all kinds of assignments.

  6. Prose
    Anything not poetry is considered to be prose. This includes novels, short stories, letters journals, diaries, and essays. Memoirs, autobiographies, fantasies, romances and essay writing are among other sub-genres under this category.

  7. Drama
    This category includes all works of art that are performed rather than read. Dramatic stories are best enjoyed in film or theater versions as compared to published ones. This category has a lot to do with dialogue and monologue.

  8. Adventure
    It entails occasions filled with mystery and curiosity. It is best showcased in film and novels where the main characteroften embarks on an adventure quest. This genre is often meant to entertain the reader and arouse their sense of imagination.

  9. Thriller
    You will encounter suspenseful plots with very dark and horrifying mysteries in this type of literature. It is meant to thrill you. In college, students prefer to review thriller films to other categories of literature.

  10. Historical
    Historical novels and films that record past events are also very common among students. Such stories describe some of the most important historical events like The World War, The Salem Witch Trials, Alexander the Great among other great historical stories.

Some of these stories are a combination of accurate historical facts and fiction to make them more interesting. Therefore, they do not always provide a detailed and accurate account of how the events of that particular event of time unfolded, thus cannot be fully relied upon. Back up your findings from this category with facts from research papers.


Literature is one of the most interesting subjects to take up in college. However, you have to be keen when deciding which genre you will be specializing in. For you to excel, you need to pick a category that you find interesting and you can follow through.
As a high school student, you need to be excellent in essay writing if you plan to pursue literature at the college level. Also, practice the reading culture from a very early age. You can practice with all the genres discussed above.
Good luck!

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