Graduates Worried About Job Prospects in The UK

in student •  8 years ago 

"Graduates hit by jobs gloom" is a headline that caught my attention the other day.

It seems that seven in ten graduates surveyed believe there will be fewer jobs this summer, while the number of final year students applying to work in the investment banking and finance sectors fell by up to 20% during the past year.

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It has prompted a number to remain at university, although this will most likely increase the amount of student debt they accumulate.

The average UK student debt on graduation currently stands at £37,000 ($48,500).

Respondents to the survey said their starting salary expectations were around £24,300, while many believe that they could achieve £43,200 five years after graduating. Only a sixth predict they will earn £100,000 a year by the time they're 30.

While conventional careers are showing signs of a squeeze, the unconventional jobs market continues to boom with an increasing number of people turning to the internet to market products and services.

Cryptocurrencies and precious metals offer anyone from all walks of like the chance to develop a highly lucrative business while working from home.

And with the freedom of working from home, it's attracting many younger people who have become disillusioned working longer hours in corporate jobs.

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