Fully Funded Student And Youth Opportunities

in students •  7 years ago 

Special opportunity:
As you know, MunPlanet ( https://www.munplanet.com) always offers the best opportunities to its members. Since we like to share love, we will now have this list of fully funded student and youth opportunities which will be updated daily.
Links to all the opportunities are right below, and the ones that have been struck through have expired. Good luck!

If you would like to receive opportunities like this via email, or need help with building your CV and writing applications, sign up for MUNPlanet Alerts at the bottom of this page.
Active FULLY FUNDED opportunities

[NEW] Erasmus+ “Youth Committee For The Future” in Naples - 2 Days Left to Apply! https://www.munplanet.com/events/fully-funded/fully-funded-erasmus-plus-youth-committee-for-the-future-in-naples-2-days-left-to-apply

[NEW] The Hansen Summer Institute 2018 in San Diego, California https://www.munplanet.com/events/international-relations/fully-funded-the-hansen-summer-institute-2018-in-san-diego-california

[NEW] GATHER Fellowship: “How do we move beyond superficial diversity to leverage our differences and build thriving, equitable communities across lines of conflict?”https://www.munplanet.com/events/fully-funded/fully-funded-gather-fellowship-how-do-we-move-beyond-superficial-diversity-to-leverage-our-differences-and-build-thriving-equitable-communities-across-lines-of-conflict

Apply to the Young Strategists Forum 2018 https://www.munplanet.com/events/fully-funded/apply-to-the-young-strategists-forum-2018-fully-funded

SHARE Full Scholarship Programme For ASEAN Students For a Semester at at ASEAN or EU universities https://www.munplanet.com/events/study-abroad/share-full-scholarship-programme-for-asean-students-for-a-semester-at-at-asean-or-eu-universities-fully-funded

Young Leaders’ Program (YLP) MEXT Scholarships 2018/2019 Master Studies in Japan https://www.munplanet.com/events/scholarship/young-leaders-program-ylp-mext-scholarships-2018-slash-2019-master-studies-in-japan

University of Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship https://www.munplanet.com/events/scholarship/university-of-toronto-lester-b-pearson-international-scholarship-fully-funded

Bill and Melinda Gates University of Cambridge Full Postgraduate Scholarship Programme https://www.munplanet.com/events/university-1/bill-and-melinda-gates-university-of-cambridge-full-postgraduate-scholarship-programme-2018

3rd IOC Young Reporters Programme - Youth Olympic Games 2018 https://www.munplanet.com/events/events/3rd-ioc-young-reporters-programme-youth-olympic-games-2018-fully-funded

Study in the UK on a Full Chevening Scholarship https://www.munplanet.com/events/fully-funded/study-in-the-uk-on-a-full-chevening-scholarship

Global Leader training - AMP Global Youth https://www.munplanet.com/events/events/global-leader-training-amp-global-youth

Sign up for MUNPlanet Alerts:Travel Places by Signing Up For MUNPlanet Opportunities Alert https://www.munplanet.com/articles/munplanet/travel-places-by-signing-up-for-munplanet-opportunities-alert

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