6 Main Difficulties in Argumentative Essay Writing

in study •  5 years ago  (edited)

For most students, writing argumentative essays is a bit challenging. The reason is simple: argumentative essays require you to conduct extensive research, which is undoubtedly hard work. You may need to collect information through sources like experiments, surveys, interviews, and observations.

Detailed research is important; because it helps you gain different perspectives. Students face a host of difficulties when writing argumentative essays. In this post, we will focus on the main difficulties.

You should always try to write your own papers. But if you are too busy, you can get professional help. Now there are many online writing services. Some of them are cheap, can some of them are a bit expensive. You may need to buy argumentative essays if you have a part-time job, and you have little time to focus on writing. Here are the 6 main difficulties that students face when writing argumentative essays:

1. Evidence

Once a topic is selected, you must figure out where you will find supports will help you prove your points. To support your arguments, you must use factual research. Do not make the mistake of using opinion-based pieces.

For example, if you want to discuss the nutritional value of a particular type of food, a statement from the FDA is more authentic than that of a vegetarian blogger. Your essay will be acceptable only when you use authentic research.

The type o evidence you use will determine whether your essay will be strong or weak. Logical reasoning is a good thing, but it can not always prove something. If you have a proposal, make sure that it is backed up by statistics and various study results. You will find a lot of information online.

Before you dive into action, make sure you are ready for conducting substantial research. And yes, some creative thinking will add spice to your paper.

2. Defining the thesis

Many students find it hard to define the thesis, and this is another common difficulty. You should not pick a topic simply because it sounds interesting. In order to make your argumentative essay concise, you must avoid topics that are too narrow or too broad.

You will find it hard to work on the paper if you choose a very complex topic. That is why you should work on a topic you are comfortable with. It is much easier to work on a specific topic. Most students who buy argumentative essays fail to choose good topics.

3. Personal opinions

Should you use your personal opinions in an argumentative essay? This question is a bit tricky because it should be determined by the particular topic of the essay. But as a rule of thumb, you should always try to keep a neutral tone. If you focus too much on personal opinions in the essay, your writers will not take the essay seriously.

If you only write about something you feel passionate about, you will lose objectivity. And if you get too emotional, you will find it hard to find weaknesses in your arguments. You can craft a strong argument only if you remain objective. Do not rely on anecdotal evidence and assertions because they will make your essay weak.

Choose an efficient and clear language, and make sure it fits with the particular topic. To prove your point, you will not need harsh language if you use reliable sources.

4. Counterarguments

This is one of the common difficulties students face when writing argumentative essays. An argumentative paper requires you to consider counterarguments of your claims and dispel the counterarguments with evidence. And make sure it does not sound cheap and shallow.

When you present your arguments, try to look at the issue with the eyes of the people who will disagree with you. You will clearly see what counterarguments they will present. Your task is to answer questions before they are asked!

5. Weak analysis

You will have to analyze some issues in your essay. And if your analysis is weak, you will end up writing a weak paper. Even if your essay is well-structured and grammar is perfect, weak analysis will make your essay lose strength.

You must figure out how your points are connected to other issues. If you find a problem, you must analyze the problem before providing solutions.

6. Understanding the audience

Once you have written an argumentative essay, you may find it easy to impress your classmates and friends, but your professor will not be so easily impressed. So you must have a clear idea of who you are writing for. Your audience will be impressed only if your writing is really good, and it bears the signs of hard work.

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