What Social Problems Affect Today's Students?

in study •  3 years ago 

It is no secret that most social problems affect students and young people in general. These problems can affect the level of education in the country, its quality, and its functioning in general.
What is worth considering is the main social problems that may negatively affect students, in the future to try to avoid them. For some students, the problem of poverty is relevant. Some students are not always able to get a scholarship, and in order to study, they need to work on their own or take out loans to study. It is more difficult for people from poor families to get higher education.
Another social problem that can negatively affect students is substance abuse, smoking weed, and drug abuse. This problem clearly has a negative impact on students. Addiction to such substances prevents young people from learning. And the task of the school and high school is to convey the right information to students, to educate them, to help them, to do everything possible to ensure that these problems pass modern youth.
The next issue that also affects students is the women's rights movement and the diverse LGBT community. After all, students also belong to these communities, and in primary schools, there is an acute problem of their acceptance and adaptation. If you want to know more about social problems, you can visit this site https://edubirdie.com/examples/social-issues/ and learn more. Here each student will find information for his development, education, and behavior in society. After all, everyone should be aware of such important issues as racial or ethnic discrimination, which hinder students from getting a good education.
The next group of problems with a negative impact on students is the spread of various diseases, especially those that are sexually transmitted and early pregnancy. All these problems exist and must also be addressed. All these problems affect the emotional and physical condition of young people, which in turn does not allow for quality education.
Another common problem among young people is Internet addiction. It is joy, euphoria, lack of control over time while online, and in the absence of the opportunity to get into virtual reality - depression, emptiness, and depression. This may be accompanied by somatic disorders - tingling and dry eyes, back pain, and elbows. Other effects of Internet addiction can include changes in character, neglect of homework, and general indifference.
Many researchers consider gambling a serious social problem that poses a danger to part of the population. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that in the process of playing a person relaxes, emotional tension disappears, unpleasant problems are pushed to the background, the game is considered - as a pleasant way to spend time. The person is involved very quickly, there is a complete dependence.
Another important problem among students is various phobias. Phobia is a persistent and unfounded fear of certain objects, actions, or situations. Based on the results of modern research and experiments, the dominant phobia of students is testophobia, ie fear of taking exams. Testophobia - is a situation where a person's social life constantly puts him in a situation of exams, one or another test where he has to prove his social ability, material well-being, physical well-being, or level of intelligence. A number of common phobias among students include catagelophobia - fear of ridicule; scriptophobia - fear of writing in public; bibliophobia - fear of books and decyophobia - fear of making decisions. It also includes fear of failure, criticism, success, and responsibility.

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