well i was just chewcking :)))

in stuff •  4 years ago  (edited)


so every time i put up stuff i have to keep looking for results when i should be looking for is anybody even there??
well on the day to day i still have a lotta content just have to find a way to make it available. For instance today one of the merchants has been experiencing mickey mouse setting up shop in their back office so nothing like whats happening in Australia that's just insane how could anyone ever go camping i don't even think i would go for a walk ,but in this story i located a steel box mouse trap hopefully it will get the job done as inhumanely as possible :))) it may be hard to imagine a grown man running in terror from a teeny tiny mouse buy it happens and its hilarious to watch :))) yeah he did a whole lotta shaking going and then on with some kind of Irish jig couldn't tell his feet were moving so fast might have been some new kind of tap dancing :)))


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problem is you can't trust humans to not see cats as a disposable object so a mousetrap is probably best for a guy like that :)


i read people are bringing their pets back to shelters now that "the pandemic is over" ...

they should all be neutered so they stop breeding the disease


lol its true but those little traps are no match for kitty :))) returning you pets makes you wonder about their friends i would guess its the same deal just return them for new ones to where they found em ...

Yea, when i say that to someone who tells me like "well just another one" they look at me like im some psychopath, right ? So why dont THEY just dump their little spawn and "get another one" :)

humans ...




Ha, Ha, Ha !!! Elle m'a bien fait rire celle-là @darsico ;)

merci c'est gentil c'était un moment très drôle @ancolie :))