first this :
Dit ticket is namens u gemaakt.
my reply:
Mag ik er van uitgaan dat ik bij elke uitgaande transactie een reden moet opgeven of wat ?
Ik heb die naar een exchange gestuurd die veel kleinere transaction fees heeft.
Is dat terrorisme ofzo ?
the mail
On 9/2/22 09:35, Risk wrote: > ##- Please type your reply above this line -## > > Dit ticket is namens u gemaakt. > > > Risk (Bitcoin Meester) > > Sep 2, 2022, 09:35 GMT+2 > Beste Jo Declercq, > > In het kader van de Nederlandse wetgeving (Wwft) zijn wij verplicht om onze klanten en hun transacties te kennen. Onderdeel van deze wet is dat wij gedegen onderzoek moeten doen naar nieuwe klanten, maar ook van bestaande klanten hun transacties moeten monitoren. > > U heeft een ZRX opname vanaf uw account uitgevoerd. > > Graag zouden wij u willen vragen om een toelichting te geven over de bestemming en het doel van deze transactie. > > Mochten er verder nog vragen zijn dan hoor ik het graag. >
SO, if i make a transfer in euros in my bank i have never had this question
SO DAFUK IS UP WITH THIS SHIT, these retards have fees that make suiss banks look poor
we're talking 70zrx of which they took TEN (10) for a transfer fee
then i have to explain why i transferred it ?
does your bank ask that ?
gat hollanders
Het versturen van SHIBA INU kost 139204.03453623 SHIB. Deze kosten worden weer ingezet om je transactie snel te laten verwerken door het netwerk. Deze kosten houden we in op het bedrag wat je stuurt.
Let op! De miner fee is variabel en afhankelijk van de huidige standaard op het netwerk.
Je moet minimaal 1000000.00000000 SHIB opnemen.
807830.81692495 SHIB
thats 10 euros right , TERRORIST MONEY
how europe lost the war
you know the worst thing ?
about the only loss i made so far on crypto (b/c i havent sold any for fiat since satoshi nakamoto) is stuff like THIS
the exchange pulls a Gox
or these fuckers feel like they get to ask whatever i run 20 euros for
imagine your bank doing that ?
at the ATM
"PLEASE STATE THE NATURE OF THE FINANCIAL EMERGENCY BEFORE YOU GET YOUR €20 ... buzz buzz, okay, DING that'll be €5 for the transaction"
gat hollanders
so i guess that leaves
what country in europe lets me withdraw without my panties ? THIS IS TOO SICK MAN
even for benelux-standards
seems to leave about €20 in it b/c allthe amounts are too low to trade for another set or to withdraw
so THEY KEEP THE MONEY if they just annoy me enough
thats why i always refer to it as "dutch-american"-business tactics
if the world werent ending, there would be hellfire coming out of my pores right now
but they can have it and choke on it
another €20 lost on crypto
o what a bad investment feudal lord gates will say
is what i say
and the eurotrash pun is
they can just say
"o but sir, WE HAVE NO CHOICE, this is BECAUSE of the regulation for YOUR safety (and the children ofcourse)"
i hear India is gonna enter the ring too
knock 'em ded
de fiskus ?
gut lets see
that puts my profits for the year on about -50 to -100 b/c of these fuckers alone otherwise i havent sold any
so how much does that net me from the state ?
its minus so i get money right ?
o it doesnt work like that ?
it would be zero if it werent for
yea well i might as well open an account with fortis
they cost money too just for putting money with them
its a strange phenomenon not sure how that works in other countries
you put your small change you get every month with them
at the end of the year they charge you 50 or 80 or 100
the intrest is like 0.015%
the state asks 15% on THAT
and you cant without a bank b/c no one pays you in anything else so in essence
its a bit of a protection racket like the mafia would
in this case its fairly clear now for months one of their gathollandse managers is harassing me until i leave
thing is you dont really find too many where you can use bancontact , i dont even know if they exist in belgium (if they did they would have gone belly up b/c of feudal lord gates crusade by now)
and mining is really
not for bums
is it ?
thats why belgian companies like dutch managers so much sometimes
a certain type of gathollanders that has no conscience at all
im steaming yes, they're making me lose money and there's nothing i can do
you say its only a 100
i say its a whole 20 AGAIN, not counting the fees they ask
10 coins on 70 coins ?
hm ?
now i wouldnt be surprised if in five years my bank starts sending me mails every time
"SIR, you wired €20 , please state the nature of your transaction in compliance with the anti terrorism law"
but so far its not like that yet
so im looking for another place
most exchanges let you buy it at exorbitance
these fuckers let you bay it at "medium" but transaction costs so bad and if you do they harass you with mails to tell them why
and then they wonder
why aint anyone spending their crypto ?
right, gates ?
hows the dry farmland
i feel like putting holes in someone (just a few) ... it'll cool down, i'll watch some videos on india and china
i'll be smiling back in no time
yea yea its a done deal i took everything out (at a loss ofc at those fees) this is like 5 too many times i got the dutch-american treatment
i will not accept criticism on my decisions in a world where fuckers buy baseball cards
hummel heads and
fucking NFT's
aight ?
gonna take a shower ... i hellfired up a sweat
that shower certainly helped
so i guess i'm €100 down from where i was to going solar for everything i have again (but it was a bit below par since feudal lord gates anyway) and the part they came to call euro-frustration by 2050 when one day all of europe woke up and had turned into murderous berzerkers lopping everything in sight is not just the dutch-american treatment and that fucker who feels he can do it because he's out of reach and then claim regulations, because THEY MAKE ME DO IT ...
its the constant euro-bullshit for decades
im almost rooting for china and india to whoop ass by now
i wont that THAT either
euro lost 40% to the dollar since 2008
of which 10% in the last year so YOU THERE, all your savings gathered over 40 yeras are now worth half abroad and here inflation makes them ?
1/3rd ?
BTC is from $1 to $20000
so keep THAT bullshit too
im gonna breathe out now
eat that
pîssed off huh ?
pointless , tho i was steaming a bit, ever since i realized all humans are out to get you until proven otherwise i have murdered a lot less per year (eheh) - ever since the apocalypse became clear im quite a l'aise but the blatant abuse by fuckers like that
OVER A €20 TRANSACTION, right (seem to remember the law said something about sizeable transactions, not €20 once a month ...)
i replied with
"i was trying to buy €20 worth of heroin and semtex from the taliban but you took 10% so they're after my head now"
so maybe i'll get subpenald by the dutch dick squad and the stasi next week ?
yea i know this is how gotfrid got killed (mentally)
thats why ill leave it there, the next one already said simply "we dont let anyone transfer coin OUT of our app (thats so they dont collide with these laws-to-make-it-impossible)" but at least they're honest instead of "sure we'll take your 20 and give you 20 cents back"
SO, we'd like to see ...
how they're gonne de-crypt india ... last time we hurrd crApple itself has been funding them quite a lot and
how feudal lord bill will go against this to save the eurodollar
reasons to rejoice
gonna model some tower now
old lady addams couldnt resist hiring a garden dude so my attempt at carving a caterpillar on top is gone but i dont mind that
the kid is okay and its their house
not mine
yea semtex :
€20 transaction ... just imagine your bank goes like BUT WE HAVE TO KNOW !
... right ?
so while im pissed by dutch-american treatment and you're like
and meanwhile (remember myspace?)
people are getting more and more creative :
"the charity mafia" (lol ?)
not lol
far away from your world huh ?
there we are
broodje aap uit de mouw
#- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your application 157248 has been updated. Reply to this email if you would like to add additional comments.
Risk (Bitcoin Meester)
Sep 2, 2022, 14:25 GMT+2
Beste Jo Declercq,
Wij hebben uw email zorgvuldig bekeken en beoordeeld met daarbij alle informatie en onderliggende bewijsvoering die u ons eerder heeft toegestuurd.
In onze overweging zijn wij tot de conclusie gekomen dat deze transacties vanuit economisch, strategisch en risicoperspectief niet passen bij Bitcoin Meester en dit houdt in dat Bitcoin Meester niet aan uw verzoek kan voldoen.
Daarbij is verder besloten om vanwege deze reden dan ook uw account volledig te sluiten. Bitcoin Meester beroept zich in dit kader op haar contractsvrijheid.
Graag wil ik u verzoeken uw crypto te verkopen en op te nemen naar uw bankrekening. Het is helaas niet mogelijk voor u om verdere crypto opnames uit te voeren. U heeft hier twee weken de tijd voor, zoals aangegeven in onze algemene voorwaarden.
Wij vertrouwen erop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
i like the met vriendelijke groet part
so this is the reply to ME saying :
dat gaat om minder dan €20
als ik van argenta naar amro schrijf moet ik me dan in holland verantwoorden voor de anti-terreurwet ?
wat een gezeik man, stort mijn geld terug, als het iets is van "dat gaat niet want €20 is te weinig" doe die account dan gewoon dicht.
On 9/2/22 09:35, Risk wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Dit ticket is namens u gemaakt.
Risk (Bitcoin Meester)
Sep 2, 2022, 09:35 GMT+2
Beste Jo Declercq,In het kader van de Nederlandse wetgeving (Wwft) zijn wij verplicht om onze klanten en hun transacties te kennen. Onderdeel van deze wet is dat wij gedegen onderzoek moeten doen naar nieuwe klanten, maar ook van bestaande klanten hun transacties moeten monitoren.
U heeft een ZRX opname vanaf uw account uitgevoerd.
Graag zouden wij u willen vragen om een toelichting te geven over de bestemming en het doel van deze transactie.
Mochten er verder nog vragen zijn dan hoor ik het graag.
een gat-hollands ultimatum
as they know very well their site doesnt allow whats left in it to be sold to euros
so they close it in two weeks, take the TX fees i gave them over the time
and keep the remainder
"this is not scamming"
there you have it
o its even better
that wanker stopped the outgoing transfer
this isnot a scam
so this is the first time i sell crypto for cash
at a loss
1 hour later
the transaction is stuck the last mail says sell it or else you lose it and
no reply since
or is your planet "be polite while they fuck you in the ass" ?
mine is not, this isnt 20 , this is 500
thats like "just not enough for a lawyer to get out of bed"
okay ...
na deze aangename ervaring ... sinds de dagen van satoshi nakamoto heb ik enkel maar verlies gemaakt op crypto door dit soort gezeik
en dit is de eerste keer dat ik voor fiat verkoop
waarvoor dank alvast , een unieke ervaring
stereotyp hollands mr dat zal belgisch zijn : the point nu
hoe lang voor die IBAN geverifieerd wordt en
het resterend bedrag, totaal rond de €20 maar elk apaart niet genoeg om te verkopen, ik veronderstel dat jullie dit gewoon houden ?
bovenop alle fees van al die maanden en van de verkoop nu ?
and waiting
be positive you say ?
gimme something positive then ?
other than India enters the ring and the old world was already dead so its gonna hurt even more
anything ?
and SO
we have a new experience in life
its called "selling crypto for fiat"
ik zou er nog een aantal dingen willen aan toevoegen maar das verloren adem.
Ik vraag me af waarom NU vandaag, aangezien ik consistent elke maand 80 euro koop en dan stuur naar de andere exchange, als jullie mensen met weinig geld liever niet hebben wil je dat misschien bij de inschrijving erbij zetten ofzo.
Als het geld echt verstuurd is antwoorden niet meer nodig, ik heb genoeg holland voor dit jaar
prettige dag nog
J :)
wat een weekje
On 9/2/22 16:26, Risk wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your application 157248 has been updated. Reply to this email if you would like to add additional comments.
Risk (Bitcoin Meester)
Sep 2, 2022, 16:26 GMT+2
Beste Jo Declercq,Bedankt voor uw reactie.
Ik heb uw munten handmatig voor u verkocht en de opbrengst toegevoegd aan uw wallet. Dit bedrag heb ik ook uitbetaald naar uw bankrekening, en zal over uiterlijk 5 werkdagen worden uitbetaald. Hierna wordt uw account gesloten.Met vriendelijke groet,
met vriendelijke groet
the moral of the story ?
its not the investment , its gat hollanders, bill
dont do support jobs ...
breathe out, smashing your screen wont help
thats enough loss to make sure we dont buy cookies for three months today
and its not our fault
so, since europe is a hegemony
serious applicants only please ?
so how muc have i laundered since satoshi
that would be MINUS (few hundred supposedly) PLUS (minus also ofcourse) whatver mt Gox took at the price its worth today
so the state gives me what on that ? 15% tax return like they take on intrest ?
thats more than i have in a year now
where do i file ?
well im too old to pitch them all in one pit but on a week like this my thin layer of semblance comes off easily and really
having to justify a €20 transaction thats been consistent
dat heb je met die hollanders, despite that i cant pitch them all in one basket
my fav compu-shop is about almost always a dutch one and frankly
since they are , its kinda hard to find better prices on belgian ones and whats more
b/c their management is made of ultra-basterd
most belgian webshops
are dutch too
its the end of the world
im gonna watch some more "india takes on china takes on usa defends taiwan takes on china buys from russia sells to india" to feel better about living in europe
... now all we need is
it comes from a monthly take
and a loss
and gat-hollanders
i forgot lesson 5
- dont use dutch crypto-services , if the management doesnt get you the regulators will
they coulda just let me send it to a wallet, right ?
now it sits there in devaluating euro-trash
YEA dearie, devaluating euro-trash
minus 40 since lehman bros
whatsa lehman bros
that was the last beginning of the new end
but i understand, short attention span,now sports
or i could say
has anyone EVER heard a debate about
"the consequences of the dollar breakup" ?
yah ... indeed
the kid is great at what he does (hes not a kid but we are ancient ofcourse) not questioning the logic of old lady addams on why that happens now and not in november since they're all up in france
the whole situation must be confusing right ?
well , consider it even more so if you're in the maelstrom while all you wanted was out of belgium before 40
yea WHAT happens if the euro breaks ?
its a you dont wanna know scenario
but what happens if india, russia and china one day decide "hey we could do this better with a temp truce"
i bet
its a you dont wanna know scenario
japan is making moves towards arms again
what would have happened if japan and china would have said ... well ... its been a bad streak but right now, how about combined tek + labour and resource force instead of ping pong around sengoku ?
thats probably
why the west still thinks it can re-write the laws of physics
shin sekai though
and today
old ways of thinking wont get through this
germany is on the low
so is ex-borisland
maybe they wont mind strangers who move less than 100 euros a month
instead of treating them like potential terrorists
i dont know about these people who never seem to have a day like this ?
its hard to believe them
from where i sit anyway
they would feel more human if they sometimes had a break(down) or something close to it
its a shyte world after all
if you dont live three doors down from disneyland
if Buffance gets to complain about "not making more than former quarter last year cuz its only double not quadruple"
unity gets to
sack 200 people and then buy a company for 4 billion and
miCrotter gets to ... buy a company with more users than twitter, while no one peeps while musk had done it (again) for 69 BILLION and then sacks the shyte out of everything (gotta stay competitive)
that should do it, im getting tired of it myself
finally b/c tired
well i dont smoke cigarettes, i dont have kids, i dont go anywhere anymore
since AlleyCat lets say things changed but take just the dont smoke cigarettes and turn it into crypto it wont be more than that ... for yow ass
and NOW, dear soviethole, you can rest assured i wont have 1 cent more than i paid for the next two years after this
ALL GOOD HEY ? not that that was my intention
... i get Gottfrid sometimes, even if i clearly remember what they did to him
allergic reactions
Not too surprising, almost reminds me of all the disgusting fee's to do anything these days, and when you do move money you get automatic calls from the bank wanting to know if it was you and why? Not even big quantities, under 50 they still want to know why.
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yeah its like a taxi driver taking his own route probably cost you even more.
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