Talking a lot about hot air and stuff

in stuff •  5 years ago  (edited)

But where does one draw the line ... graphics, sound, coding ... this and that ... and then there's that house and the maid is not here and my marketing girlfriend has disappeared ...


And then 2 hours later i find myself with nothing but this yet ... "cherrypod-card" will be on #opengameart later

well, talking about hot air is nice for people with money but it really gets me personally nothing but more time wasted ...

that's right - and whatever (dafuk ..)

Mh, yea ... ofcourse you get me wrong ... that would be a first, right ?

How is ANYONE on the planet gonna be helped by YET ANOTHER currency, backed by narcist billions and the power of idiots in large numbers ? Certainly not me ... so what does talking about it get me ?

That's right :NOTHING ... that's all there is to say :)

Don't okay ? i don't see anything to gain from talking about it ... And more over - a new currency on top of the other 20.000, BACKED BY BILLIONS OF THE BIG FIVE is not gonna "disrupt" in any way you yuppies like to talk about that, it's gonna centralize and fuck shit up , and you know it ... so hold the enthusiasm posting about it for a few dollars more stripmining-style ...

i'm clearly not in the best mood today, no ... something with money, and being stuck here, and no prospects and shit only getting worse

like something like that

im gonna start using all your badspeak words so stop the push already

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heh -> my out of RC trick partly works , however :

no it's not .. it's always insulting to someone and that's just how it is, but you know i'm right, #libra can't be good for the smallfry and wether you like it or not, technical superiority or not, steem is still smallfry ... well maybe medium-fry. This is gonna make things harder, not better ... unless ... planet Crypton rejects it, BUT ... most of Crypton has been invaded by classic "investors" or people who want to be (i suppose that's insulting too) so it's all about the fucking money, not de-centralization or independence anymore ... and that's what i mean...

Why am i talking, i try so hard not to talk yet i do ...