hey :
on El Salvador
Plastic is fantastic
Toddlers prefer paper
If #life isnt horror enough for y'all today
quick aggregation, no affiliate links, definitely worth 5 minutes of reading - but those blasted bitcoinmagazine people just had to obfuscate the pic again huh ...
i got to see how much one webpage weighs today again, compared to what i have with the few kilobytes at best, no wonder everythings so slow and you need an i9 to process all the ads 'n tracking but in the end, with the obfuscation ?
why bother, its a waste of time, anything that gets decoded on the output node is interceptable
you COULD use that time to enhance content, styling, add more #stuff, ANYTHING
but we guess someone "sold you on the idea"
like crypto hardware wallets
dude ...
du-dettes ...
you have been lied to all your life
no, really NO time, if you're stalking my steam profile i can put that on "in Notepad atm" 24/7 too, doesnt mean i am ... also , tis a CLEAR fact that 99% doesnt have a clue on "the" blockchain, so its possible that even the people selling the wallets dont actually know any of this. The concept itself is simple enough : one block can only fit exactly between two others, hence the word block - chain , if one gets corrupted the whole thing wouldnt work anymore, but you CAN re-stream it, thats why having 1000s of nodes is important.
But no one really understands it , thats why ETHereum is on top ... NOT b/c its "the best", because it has salesforce behind it (and i dont mean the conglomerate although its very possible they are involved)
and the other part : its part of the trick, if they can hook for the first 20 years ... a nice "in-line" degree and a small leash in the form a first loan, a car or something, then NO WAY IN HELL will you admit (even to yourself) that all your life has been a lie.
and that is that
its been in the making for millennia, its VERY refined ... ancient empires had kings, merchants en "de baas" but THEY had, not "science" but milennia of empirical research. They didnt need the supreme Sapolsky to explain to them how it works at chemical level : they had 1000 years of data which SHOWED THEM how it works, excellent sociologists avant la lettre
and SO
you HAVE been lied to all your life
you do it to yourself
EVERY day , you HAVE TO or else you face reality (lol)
and THAT, my dear and good friend, mister Garibaldi
that will NOT compute
okay ... gud
so ... until next year then
maybe a christmas compilation but
(and no there will be no party and NO we dont actually have the need to be "with people" just becuase someone overlapped a monotheist party on a pagan event)
we'll be just fine, us and the cat ...
i mean
as fine as it gets here
djá !