#STWT 217 UnMasking the IIA Jan 6th Network via Jack Posobiec, Belt and Road News & more
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This is #STWT show number 217, in this livestream we covered a ton of important news topics. I started off the show with an examination of the clown world we live in and how conspiracies are coming true. Then we analyzed the rise of China at the behest of the banksters as they build a multi polar world order with the belt and road initiative. The end goal is to restructure the planet to a new mark of the beast CBDC digital gulag system. After this we analyzed the alternative media who are supposed to be the heroes standing up to this banking elite, and we found that the alt media is as fake as the mainstream media. Not only this, the alt media has a shadowy network of IIA operators who work together to silence the actual truth. To control the opposition of the elites. The network as analyzed this evening was centered on the Jack Posobiec, Dave Troy, Lestat, Defango, Jim Stewartson, Milo Yiannopolis, Jesse Davis, Esteban Trujillo, etc.
Show Notes can be found here: https://hive.blog/stwt/@titusfrost/show-notes-stwt-217-unmasking-the-iia-jan-6th-network-via-jack-posobiec-belt-and-road-news-and-more
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