#STWT: 233 Pirates Expose the Plan for the Third World War and Who is #Qanon?

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Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ATvUnXPjoZ4c/
This is #STWT show number 233 during which the main point of discussion is the War in Ukraine and the Origins of the Psyop #Qanon. The first show segment we covered some gems such as my recent loss of another YouTube channel (9 channels now) RIP Captain Titus Frost Channel. Do Cars Go Space? No S Car Go Road. The Great Psywar is on starring some Airborne Reservist. Leonardo Di Caprio is chilling with Greta discussing how to save the climate from themselves. I discussed the ridiculous statements by Kanye West and how it’s behind a plan to drive anti-Semitism to get Israeli’s to move back to Israel, to create the greater federated states of Israel as part of the BRI.
The Ukraine Bankster War was the major point of discussion tonight. First I broke down again the bigger picture and used the Orwell Map from 1984 to illustrate the point of the World War they are forming. I discussed how Nuclear weapons are no longer even required as the United States likely has prompt global strike platforms including kinetic rods from satellites. We took a look at the Belt and Road Initiatives, the “Pivot to the East” ties to the Ukrainian conflict and the recent attack on the Crimean Bridge, and how they may have used an underwater drone. Then we took a look at Putin’s revenge which was mainly targeting critical infrastructure but also civilian city centers. The Europe China rail links are still running, the BRI is being challenged with Ukraine. Israel has backdoors into all us critical infrastructure and they work openly with China. I further prove the bankers run Russia, and their removal from SWIFT was to force them onto CBDC’s.
I present the most likely outcome of WW3, and how this war will be used to control human production, and to develop the smart city, transhumanist future the elite want. We have chip implants, robot armed dogs from China, forced fuel shortages and more. The war they are trying to create by creating a multi polar world order, and the only way I see out of this if for USA dominance and permanent bases in the Ukraine to allow power to be extended into the BRI Nations. To put a giant fork right in the middle of the BRI and stop in it’s tracks. We analyzed Putin’s recent missile strikes on the Ukraine and how he targeted civilians city centers as shown on video.
#QanonSec was the next segment in which we attempt to identify the various actors in the space that are not genuine and pushing psyops. First off the Jan 6th events which were inspired by Infowars and Roger Stone. I discussed the creation of Cicada 3301, the infamous PGP Key, how Ian Ashley Murdock is the “IAM” in the puzzles. Then we discussed how the attempted infiltrators of 3301 were the creators of #Qanon the psyop. This is the criminal cyber terrorist gang that has harassed me and others for years. These #Qanon creators are Defango Manuel Chavez, Lestat Arturo Tafoya, Esteban Trujillo and possibly Will Sommer. Jack Posobiec’s connections to it all were further proven. 0 Hour also is involved along with what was Maga Co. PidgeonGate is very real. Jason Bermas is a shill, Stew Peters and Red Voice Media look like bad actors in the space. Alex Stein did a horrid interview with the “Donald Trump Podcast” which is the worse Trump impression of all time. Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, and Syrian Girl aka Partisan Girl clearly and factually identified as Russian Propaganda.
Next segments were not on YouTube because the spicy level was intense. See the rest of the live stream replay on ROKFIN! See Link Above.
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