#STWT Ask Me Anything Steemit Post for Show 28!

in stwt •  7 years ago 

Ask Me Anything Post for Spitting Truth with Titus Show 28

Ask Me Anything...

Every week I post on Steemit and on Patreon (Patrons Only) an Ask Me Anything Post. I go through live on air and I read every question or comment and I provide the best answer I can for each one. This is a massive incentive for my audience to join steemit as I continue to promote this website. Normally the questions are about news and politics.

I did see the New Star Wars Film last night, so if you want to ask me about my take on the movie please do. I will be doing a breakdown video of it once it releases on DVD / Blu Ray so I can better analyze the film. My take on the last Star Wars film is here: https://steemit.com/space/@titusfrost/star-wars-the-ether-awakens-illuminati-ether-space-program-exposed

Anyways I always love the questions I get from people on steemit for my show. Please leave your questions and I will answer them for you.

Tune into my Show at 9 PM Eastern Tonight!

Thanks for reading this post, I look forward to your replies!

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Hi Dean

Not a question.

Thanks for the answers the other day, just wondered whether you had managed to watch the two videos I liked. The first about Martin Bormann was the story of a Journalist uncovering the extent of the transfer of technology money and people to the US and South America as part of Paperclip. When people look at this the conclusion often drawn is that the Nazis were never beaten they secretly moved to the US and took over the OSS/CIA and US business. The reality is that the Nazis were never the enemy to begin with, they were created by the same people who make the US what it is today.

The second video is the interview of Norman Dodd by G E Griffin. Now I have always been under the impression that Norman Dodd is a famous Historical figure in the US (along with Smedly Butler). This interview is very revealing in that it reveals how the elite have sought to control the education system from the start, and they also study the question of War. Also revealing is the researcher who was assigned to go over the Carnegie Foundation (I think it was that one) minutes never recovered from the experience, she "dropped out" as we would say today.

And this morning Ammon Bundy speaks out, very powerfully.

And this links back to the things you have been talking about.

PS. I think Q is legit.

Hi @titusfrost! I actually have a steemit question.. I've been following your videos, especially the ones regarding help with steemit. In one video you suggested signing up at BITTREX for crypto exchange. I tried, but they are not accepting new accounts right now.


Do you have another reputable suggestion we can use?

Thanks for your help! You are awesome!

Hey Titus,

I know a lot has been made about the sealed indictments and I'm still hopeful that one of those indictments could be Hilary Clinton. I was wondering if you had seen David Zublick's video regarding Hilary and Huma Abedin. I'll post the link here for you:

I'm not sure whether or not this is true but Zublick has been pretty accurate in his information on pizzagate. It seems like these sealed indictments will never be unsealed and I am losing faith in Trump. While he should be commended for the record numbers of arresting low-level pedophiles, we still have not gotten any of the big names yet. I feel like even though most people do not agree with Trump on every issue, if Alefantis, Clinton, and Podesta get locked up, then that would be huge step in the right direction.

Just wanted to get your take on the sealed indictments and Zublick's video. Thank you very much and hopefully some day soon, all of the hard work that people like you and big fish have put in will pay off and these people will pay for the crimes that they have committed. God Bless!

Hi Dean, love your show.
Just wondering if you ever looked into SESAME.
It is a cooperative venture by scientists and governments of the region set up on the model of CERN
The curious thing about it are it's MEMBERS.
The current (2017) Members of SESAME are Cyprus, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, and Turkey.
How on earth is this possible? Would love to hear your take on that...

i am surprised at the lack of people talking about the california forest fires,when i think of the vulnerable children ,the elderly and animals that were killed in that fire ,my blood boils,the evidence shows microwave weapons ,this is all part of agenda 21.you keep talking about utorrent haven't you heard of kodi all you need is a firestick ,broadband and then you can download kodi and apps the apps is what gets you any film ,documentary or series.you just need one app.you will also need a vpn so they won't block you,i use ultrasurf i downloaded that for free.since i have had kodi ,i no longer have cable as i got it cancelled, it saves me a lot of money and gives me peace of mind, that i'm not paying psychopaths and pedofiles any money.

Question Have you looked at the evidence that the mars rover is on an island in Canada called Devon island? I think the mars rover "shadow" the shadow of a man proves its not on mars, that is a NASA photo by the way. And just wondering what you thought about the recent "ufo"disclosure via Tom Delonge? I don't trust freemasons they are behind most hoaxes. I think the same people have been pushing the same lies since the 80s NASA and AM radio (alex jones art bell and all their guests)and that all the "alien" tech is really just ours. Wondering what you thought about aliens and ufos and NASA?

great information and nice video sharing,very good job
thanks for sharing

PS. What do you think of Cody Snodgress and his story. I've listened to about three of his interviews and I think he is genuine.

Î will definitely watch the movie next week when we have vacation. Before x-mas it is too busy. I looking forward to this as I am a Star Wars fan since the 80s when I was a child. I try to circumvent all spoilers. 😊

what did you find new in this new movie of star wars.

Great works, I wish you success