#STWT Show 206: The Banker War in the Ukraine and the Two Sides of Deception

in stwt •  3 years ago 

#STWT Show 206: The Banker War in the Ukraine and the Two Sides of Deception

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Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TitusFrost:4/-STWT-Show-206_-The-Banker-War-in-the-Ukraine-and-the-Two-Sides-of-Deception:5

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RokFin: https://rokfin.com/stream/15229/STWT-Show-206-The-Banker-War-in-the-Ukraine-and-the-Two-Sides-of-Deception

Dlive: https://dlive.tv/p/titusfrost+GhpBeVYng


This is #STWT show number 206, during which I expose how the current conflict in the Ukraine is being run on both sides by the bankers. This is a move to further complete many of their agendas such as the cementing of the Belt and Road Initiative, the creation of an EU Army and the finalizing of their first "Supranational State" in the EU. The bankers start wars on both sides, destroy nations and rebuild them "Back Better" with smart city tech and massive debt. The pirate crew is exposing this and the alt media shills who won't tell anyone the truth.

Special Guest includes: TLAV The Last American Vagabond who will remind us that only America is bad, and Russia never lies, he is the Blatant Russian Propagandist.

Show Notes: https://hive.blog/stwt/@titusfrost/show-notes-for-stwt-show-206-the-banker-war-in-the-ukraine-and-the-two-sides-of-deception

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