#STWT Show 57 - Yemen, Syria False Flag looming? #TruthForChris - w/ Mr Self Destruct, Isaac Kappy & LTV

in stwt •  6 years ago 

#STWT Show 57 - Yemen, Syria #FF looming? #TruthForChris - w/ Mr Self Destruct, Isaac Kappy & LTV

Film Summary

This was the 57th #STWT "Spitting Truth with Titus" live show. This is a weekly broadcast normally starting around 9pm EST every Saturday Evening. During this show we discuss relevant news topics, and try to expose the New World Order and all it's machinations.

This week the topics of discussion were as follows: we discussed the murder of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington with Cornell expert "Mr. Self Destruct UK". We talked about how Cornell was funding a documentary on Child Trafficking with Chester promoting the film and providing music. Also how they may have been in touch with Monica Peterson who was murdered while investigating Child Trafficking tied to the Clinton foundation and DynCorp. We discussed the funeral and the participants like James Franco, Courtney Love and Linda Ramone. Very interesting discussion.

My main topic was going to be the war in Yemen, the War in Syria, the looming false flag that might happen because of the IDLIB operation of the SAA. I also wanted to talk about how people like the Podesta Group create war zones for companies like LockHeed Martin, and are at the same time creating situations that lead to massive child trafficking also organ harvesting such as Yemen. They are creating zones in the world where they can get access to what they need for their sick rituals while lining the pockets of their buddies and themselves.

We also talked about the revelations of Isaac Kappy with Isaac, and Lift the Veil who joined live around the 1 hour plus mark. Really discussing completely unnecessary division in the crowd of people fighting back against Satanic Ritual Abuse. There has been a ton of completely unnecessary drama and we attempted to bring in all sides to the issue and bury the hatchet so that everyone can unite together against the elite pedophiles that we all want to expose. Unfortunately "An Open Secret" was unable to join us, actually he decided not to because of the "Cage Match" request. So we heard from LTV and Isaac but not the other side of the argument, but hopefully the message of "Unity" was received by all. I respect An Open Secret just like I respect Vegan Mikey, Isaac Kappy and LTV. We all have our own way of exposing the elite, and I hope we can all work together or work separately against the real enemy without attacking each other.

Articles Viewed Live for your own research:

US Naval Forces moving into Syria theatre of operations, John Bolton warning of a "chemical attack": Video Link

Human Trafficking thrives in Portland area: http://s.oregonlive.com/G1xxz9C

Clinton Server hacked by China? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/08/30/gohmert-doubles-down-after-fbi-dismisses-claim-clinton-server-hack.html

Reuters Rothschild article about Idlib crisis and Mike Pompeo smashing the war drums: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-usa/u-s-sees-assault-on-idlib-as-escalation-of-syria-conflict-pompeo-idUSKCN1LG23M

Yemen human trafficking crisis: https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/20/opinions/yemen-migration-iom/index.html

Mattis still backing the Saudi Coalition in Yemen: https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2018/08/29/mattis-says-us-still-backing-saudi-coalition-in-yemen-war-as-lawmakers-fume/#.W4sN8DbdFZM.twitter

DCI condemns attack on children in Yemen: https://defenceforchildren.org/defence-for-children-international-dci-condemns-attack-on-children-in-yemen-and-calls-for-urgent-action/

Russia War Games off Coast of Syria: https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/25-ships-30-jets-russia-to-hold-war-games-off-syria-as-idlib-tensions-rise-1.6431949

Portland Area Child Trafficking and connection to Strip Clubs: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/25/child-sex-trafficking-strip-clubs-portland_n_7650778.html

John McCain "Don't let them make a saint of this asshole" by Caitlin Johnstone: https://twitter.com/caitoz/status/1035999118823313408

Chinese Loch Ness monster: https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1035829622493958144

Austin Serial Bomber wiped out: https://twitter.com/GrantB911/status/1035631377327247361

DC Police release video of crazy lady but not Seth Rich of course: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/1035822917366505473

Unicorn talking crap about ppl but can't back it up: https://twitter.com/lifttheveil411/status/1035722383422717952

Podesta Group made deal with Saudi Arabia for Lockheed Martin to destroy Yemen: https://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/saudi-arabia-receives-lockheed-arms-deal-podesta-group-lobbies-both-parties

Huge Thanks to my Guests!

  1. Mr Self Destruct UK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUZHEDoIHtyLzd4BNsZuGlQ

  2. Isaac Kappy: https://twitter.com/IsaacKappy

  3. Nathan Lift the Veil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ

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hahahahahahahahaha.. lol