Sublime Sunday Goes To The Library

in sublimesunday •  7 years ago  (edited)

No, not the regular library... the FREE library

Walking around the neighbourhood this morning with Cathy we noticed the number of Free Library boxes has been increasing. We love these little "take a book, leave a book" boxes, and we often find interesting items in them.

This one has a semi-official look to it. Made by an institution...


Elsewhere, we notice poeple have started building these things on their lawns. This one has a shabby look to it and isn't used much.

NOT built by an institution of any kind.


The next one is a little better presented, also in someone's yard.


On the sidewalk below there was some additional bonus material...


Love these posters: Sale (Of the garage type)


We couldn't figure this one out... if you gotta ask, it might not be for you!


Back to the Library boxes... someone put a lot of work into this one.




Even more elaborate!


With the doors open.


Time to head for home


The smell of breakfast cooking at the coffee shop makes my mouth water


Let's grab some cream for coffee. One block to go!


And now for something completely different, a guessing game:

Who can solve this difficult equation: "Five Golden Rings + 4 = " If you can guess what this is, let me know in the comments below!

This is my entry for #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a. Thanks for coming along. Have a perfectly sublime Sunday my friends!

Please be sure to check out my latest posts:

* International Tourists: Try Showing Some Class! A RANT!
* Fireworks For Monomad
* Happy Vacation @Petals!
* The Swiss Barbershop and Alien Abductions ~ Two Photos for #Monomad
* A Day Late And A Dollar Short!
* MonochromeMonday ~ E-Type Jaguar ~ Film Noir Style
* Sublime Sunday ~ Dinner ~ Sunset Harbour Walk ~ Wizard and Gnome sighting

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Nice display of the free libraries. it’s a lovely idea and I it is catching on.
The answer isn’t a partridge in a pear tree Maybe Nine maids a dancing?

Oh, you're so close. I believe if you count the Maids-a-milking you would find there were only eight! There were nine something however...

Haha. Love the carousel with the ladies. Nine lords a leaping!....

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Thank you @pixresteemer!

What an amazing collection of library boxes @keithboone. That's a great idea.

I can't solve the difficult equation it looks like snow white and red riding hood and cinderella perhaps and it reminds me of the 12 days of Christmas so I'm stumped1 😊

Thank you :) If it was from 12 days of Christmas, what day would it be @gillianpearce?

4 lords a leaping? @keithboone I thought the answer was 9 something. 😂

I don't know... sounds like you might be close. There are nine something in the gif.

You have the most fascinating neighbourhood Keith. I don't believe I have seen those Free Libraries and I thnk it is great idea. You've got me stumped with your quiz but I'm loveing the merry go round.....going around. Very clever my friend. (U & R)

Thank you Trudee! I'm really going to have to learn video, because I can't shoot enough sequential frames to make this really work. This was 41 frames total I think, but my camera only fires a burst of about 15 shots before bogging down... I wish I could have made this smoother. It's fun though, I like doing it. :)

I’d like to learn to use the video on my camera but am waiting for one of my grandchildren to have the time and patience to teach me as I learn better when someone shows me how to do things. I think these images are fabulous and I’m pleased to hear you are having a lot of fun producing them. 🌺

@keithboone this is really a very nice and interesting initiative to share books.It will really benefit for those who can't afford it and knowledge can be shared with many.I liked the concept very much.Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! Yes, it's true... this is a good idea to share books!

On the ninth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
Nine Ladies Dancing

Love the free libraries. Couldn't have anything like that here. They wouldn't know what to do with them except to take the books. 🙄

You're the first to give the extra phrase :)

Nine ladies dancing!

I love the free library. We are in the process of building one for the yard. Encouraging some of the neighbors to put one up too. They are such a great idea!

I love taking walks with you! You make them so fun and eclectic! ;)

Thank you, great to hear you're making one of these too! And thanks for coming along on another walk! :)

Are you serious?? I love your walks and your banter. Your wife is a saint. :)

Uh oh... every time someone says that it means I'm in trouble!

Did you do something again? Pffft. Shape up. :)

Great post @keithboone!! I've heard of those library boxes and they or most of them look pretty cool! I've never seen them here and chances are they would get vandalized (unfortunately). I know the answer but saw it was already! That was a good guessing game!!

Thank you @deerjay! I'm happy you liked the guessing game :)

You're very welcome @keithboone!!

We have a bunch of free libraries around town...some have been there for 10 years and are being used often. That first one you posted looks like a good way to ruin books!

That is an ugly one! It's open to the rain, so you're right, the books can get ruined. Also, although you can't see it in the "cartoon" version of the photo, the sides of the thing are covered in bits of broken mirror glass. It's kind of hideous actually!

Oh great! Let's slice up the kids hand when they reach for a book! This is one in a Swedish neighborhood in Chicago called Andersonville. My grandkids found a couple of good ones there! image

Yeah, that's nice. That's what most of the ones here look like. I think these are a great idea. Just looking at my bookshelf, I see a couple I could drop off today. It's nice that you can keep a book if you like, and just bring back other things. Everyone is free to participate in whatever fashion.

The kids took a couple that they were excited about finding and immediately went home and found a couple to exchange and walked back to put them in the box. They loved participating.

I really am quite astounded by these mini libraries, what a fantastic idea to share books around the community - we have nothing like this in the UK that I know of and some of these designs are incredible for the little boxes out peoples homes where you can share and exchange books.

The building below time to head home - that's an incredible photograph me I really love that design of building - again something I never see in the UK.

I believe you are looking for 4 calling birds at the end. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing post as your #SublimeSunday I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it.

#thealliance #witness

Why thank you @c0ff33a, I'm really happy you liked it!