RE: Sublime Sunday Blossoms

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Sublime Sunday Blossoms

in sublimesunday •  6 years ago 

Cool I will check it out this evening
Glad you and your son were able to get out today

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Yes, it was fun, we have been searching for a waterfall in a forest, of which a friend has told us, but we have found a small stream only ;)
But it was fun, and he begins to like photography I think. At least is asking me a lot ;)

That’s good he seems to be enjoying and asking a lot he is lucky he has a good tutor :)

As I am very impatient, I am not a real good teacher, but I try and answer every question, and I do not force him to shoot "correct". He should have his fun, try different settings and have fun :)

Let him learn in his own way, trial and error is how i learn best as well. :)

That's exactly what I want to do. He should have fun, take photos like he wants to, and when he wants to know something, or why an image is not as expected, then I will explain.

I think thats the best way to go, when my Daughter in Law goes out with me taking photos thats how I do it as well, told her the basics then said have fun play around and ask if you have any questions, I think when I live nearer to them we may well go out for shoots more often, living two and a half hours away means we dont get much chance these day s

That's right, above all they should have fun, and if they enjoy photography, they'll come and ask you to teach them, how to take better pictures.

My twins will turn 17 this year. Sooner or later they will move out, and I do hope, that they won't live too far away then.

Indeed life is to short not to have fun
When the kids start moving out the house feels so different I hope found you they don’t move to far away and are still wishing an easy drive distance for visits